1TPM架构 ⌒录 3大子 Smn nOrtheastern University ●SHA-1 Engine A SHa-1 message digest engine is used for com puting signatures, creating key blobs and for general purpose use. ● HMAC engine i Computes the HMac digest auth Digest resulting from a secret and arbitrary data auth Digeste-HMAC(secret, data) Mainly used in TPMs authentication protocols provides two pieces of information to the TPM: proof of knowledge of the authorization data and proof that the request arriving is authorized and has no modifications made to the command in transit See OSAP/OlAP protocols6.1 TPM 架构 ⚫ SHA-1 Engine ❖ A SHA-1 message digest engine is used for computing signatures, creating key Blobs and for general purpose use. ⚫ HMAC engine ❖ Computes the HMAC digest authDigest resulting from a secret and arbitrary data ➢authDigest←HMAC( secret, data) ❖ Mainly used in TPM’s authentication protocols ➢provides two pieces of information to the TPM: proof of knowledge of the authorization data and proof that the request arriving is authorized and has no modifications made to the command in transit. ➢See OSAP/OIAP protocols
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