E. Lara-Curaio, M.G. Jenkins/Composites: Part A 30 (1999)561-567 Table 2 Task groups within ASTM C28.07 Task group Activity c28.07 01 Tension ≈mm Mataio flexure 2807 Cyclic fatigue C28.94 C280707 Fibers Nomenclature C28.07.08 Interface C2807.09 Fig. 1. Structure of AsTm committee C28 on advanced ceramics C28.07.10 C28.07.11 C28.07.12 Structural/components CFCCs in the US include the development of non-consen- sus, industry-accepted standards developed by the NaSa General Electric/Pratt and Whitney Enabling Propulsion Specimens at Ambient Temperatures. Later, this standard Materials(EPM)Program. These documents, which pre- test method became a template for other documents invol date ASTM standards. are listed in Table 3 ving tensile testing, such as C1337( Standard Test Method In the following sections, the more relevant features of for Creep and Creep Rupture of Continuous Fiber-Rein- existing ASTM standard test methods for CFCCs are forced Advanced Ceramics under Tensile Loading), C1359(Standard Test Method for Monotonic Tensile Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with Solid Rectangular Cross-Sections at 2.1. Tensile testing Elevated Temperatures)and C1360(Standard Practice for A survey of US CFCC manufacturers, conducted in 1991 Constant-Amplitude, Axial, Tension-Tension Cyclic Fati provided insights into the needs and priorities of this indus- gue of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at try for test standards [4]. To address those needs and prio- Ambient Temperatures) rities, the first standard developed for CFCCs by ASTM The most important issues addressed by test method system alignment, subcommittee C28. 07 was test method C1275 for Mono- measurements, specimen geometries, specimen preparation, tonic Tensile Strength of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced mode and rate of testing, and data acquisition. Although Advanced Ceramics with Solid Rectangular Cross-Sectio C1275 allows the use of any specimen geometry if it Table 1 meets the gripping, fracture location and fracture Existing standards under the jurisdiction of ASTM subcommittee C28. 07 requirements prescribed in the document, in the case of C1275-95 Standard test method for monotonic tensile strength Industry-accepted, s standards developed by NASA testing of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced Enabling Propulsion ogram ceramics with solid rectangular cross sections at ambient HSR/EPM-TSS-001-93 Measurement of test system alignment C1292-95 Standard test method for shear strength of continuous under tensile loading fiber-reinforced advanced ceramics at ambient HSR/EPM-D-001-93 Consensus standard. monotonic tensil testing of ceramic matrix, intermetallic C1337-96 Standard test method for creep and creep rupture of matrix and metal matrix composites continuous fiber-reinforced advanced ceramics under HSR/EPM-D-002-93 tensile loading load controlled fatigue testing of ceramic C1341-96 Standard test method for flexural properties of matrix, intermetallic matrix and metal continuous fiber reinforced advanced ceramic matrIx compo C1358-9 Standard test method for monotonic HSR/EPM-D-003-93 Consensus standard, four-point flexure strength testing of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced testing of ceramic matrix. intermetallic ramics with solid rectangular cross-sections at matrix and metal matrix composites ambient temperatures HSR/EPM-D-004-93 Consensus standard, creep rupture and C1359-97 Standard test method for monotonic tensile strength stepped-creep rupture of ceramic matrix, testing of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced intermetallic matrix and metal matrix ceramics with solid rectangular cross sections at levated temperatures HSR/EPM-NDE-001-93 Consensus standard, measurement of the C1360-97 Standard practice for constant-amplitude, axial ow and warp of continuous fiber tension-tension cyclic fatigue of continuous fiber- reinforced test specimens reinforced advanced ceramics at ambient temperatures CMC pre-cracking standardCFCCs in the US include the development of non-consen￾sus, industry-accepted standards developed by the NASA/ General Electric/Pratt and Whitney Enabling Propulsion Materials (EPM) Program. These documents, which pre￾date ASTM standards, are listed in Table 3. In the following sections, the more relevant features of existing ASTM standard test methods for CFCCs are reviewed. 2.1. Tensile testing A survey of US CFCC manufacturers, conducted in 1991, provided insights into the needs and priorities of this indus￾try for test standards [4]. To address those needs and prio￾rities, the first standard developed for CFCCs by ASTM subcommittee C28.07 was test method C1275 for Mono￾tonic Tensile Strength of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with Solid Rectangular Cross-Section Specimens at Ambient Temperatures. Later, this standard test method became a template for other documents invol￾ving tensile testing, such as C1337 (Standard Test Method for Creep and Creep Rupture of Continuous Fiber-Rein￾forced Advanced Ceramics under Tensile Loading), C1359 (Standard Test Method for Monotonic Tensile Strength Testing of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics with Solid Rectangular Cross-Sections at Elevated Temperatures) and C1360 (Standard Practice for Constant-Amplitude, Axial, Tension–Tension Cyclic Fati￾gue of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramics at Ambient Temperatures). The most important issues addressed by test method C1275 are gripping devices, test system alignment, strain measurements, specimen geometries, specimen preparation, mode and rate of testing, and data acquisition. Although C1275 allows the use of any specimen geometry if it meets the gripping, fracture location and fracture requirements prescribed in the document, in the case of 562 E. Lara-Curzio, M.G. Jenkins / Composites: Part A 30 (1999) 561–567 Fig. 1. Structure of ASTM committee C28 on advanced ceramics. Table 1 Existing standards under the jurisdiction of ASTM subcommittee C28.07 on ceramic matrix composites C1275-95 Standard test method for monotonic tensile strength testing of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced ceramics with solid rectangular cross sections at ambient temperatures C1292-95 Standard test method for shear strength of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced ceramics at ambient temperatures C1337-96 Standard test method for creep and creep rupture of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced ceramics under tensile loading C1341-96 Standard test method for flexural properties of continuous fiber reinforced advanced ceramics C1358-97 Standard test method for monotonic compressive strength testing of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced ceramics with solid rectangular cross-sections at ambient temperatures C1359-97 Standard test method for monotonic tensile strength testing of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced ceramics with solid rectangular cross-sections at elevated temperatures C1360-97 Standard practice for constant-amplitude, axial, tension–tension cyclic fatigue of continuous fiber￾reinforced advanced ceramics at ambient temperatures Table 2 Task groups within ASTM C28.07 Task group Activity C28.07.01 Tension C28.07.02 Compression C28.07.03 Creep C28.07.04 Flexure C28.07.05 Shear C28.07.06 Cyclic fatigue C28.07.07 Fibers C28.07.08 Interfacial C28.07.09 Thermal C28.07.10 Environmental C28.07.11 Thermomechanical fatigue C28.07.12 Structural/components Table 3 Industry-accepted, non-consensus standards developed by NASA’s Enabling Propulsion Materials Program HSR/EPM-TSS-001-93 Measurement of test system alignment under tensile loading HSR/EPM-D-001-93 Consensus standard, monotonic tensile testing of ceramic matrix, intermetallic matrix and metal matrix composites HSR/EPM-D-002-93 Consensus standard, tension–tension load controlled fatigue testing of ceramic matrix, intermetallic matrix and metal matrix composites HSR/EPM-D-003-93 Consensus standard, four-point flexure testing of ceramic matrix, intermetallic matrix and metal matrix composites HSR/EPM-D-004-93 Consensus standard, creep rupture and stepped-creep rupture of ceramic matrix, intermetallic matrix and metal matrix composites HSR/EPM-NDE-001-93 Consensus standard, measurement of the bow and warp of continuous fiber￾reinforced test specimens Proposed CMC pre-cracking standard
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