Para.17 e.g.Never shall I forget that day when I was admitted into the school. Hardly had he began to speak when the audience interrupted him. (2)Translate the sentence into Chinese. ·因此,不仅是通过燃料的燃烧使更多的二氧 化碳被释放到大气中,而且,随着森林的消 失,植物从大气中吸收的二氧化碳也减少了。Para.17 ❖ e.g. Never shall I forget that day when I was admitted into the school. ❖ Hardly had he began to speak when the audience interrupted him. ❖ (2) Translate the sentence into Chinese. ❖ 因此,不仅是通过燃料的燃烧使更多的二氧 化碳被释放到大气中,而且,随着森林的消 失,植物从大气中吸收的二氧化碳也减少了