9.Inter-lingual Errors(语际错误)& Intra-lingual Errors(语内错误) In terms of the source of errors,errors are often divided into two Inter-lingual errors and Intra- lingual errors. (1)Inter-lingual errors -occur when the learner misuse an item because it shares features with an item in the native language. (学习者由于误用与母语有共同特征的语言项目而产生的 错误叫语际错误。) (2)Intra-lingual errors errors within the target language itself.(语内错 误是在日的的语内部所犯的错误。) --胡壮麟《语言学教程》9. Inter-lingual Errors (语际错误) & Intra-lingual Errors(语内错误) In terms of the source of errors, errors are often divided into two : Inter-lingual errors and Intralingual errors. (1) Inter-lingual errors — occur when the learner misuse an item because it shares features with an item in the native language . (学习者由于误用与母语有共同特征的语言项目而产生的 错误叫语际错误。) (2) Intra-lingual errors — errors within the target language itself.(语内错 误是在目的的语内部所犯的错误。) ----胡壮麟《语言学教程》