170 LeDOUX 50 二d1 ainng Auditory LTP Fear Conditioning P ea Standard Auditory Conditioning 50 0、 Figure6 Following high-frquency stimulation of the thalamo-amygdala path- tory-evoked170 LeDOUX Figure 6 Following high-frquency electrical stimulation of the thalamo-amygdala path￾way, low-frequency electrical stimulation of the same pathway or external auditory stimu￾lation elicits a larger evoked potential with a sharper slope than before (upper left). This pathway thus shows long-term potentation (LTP), which can be measured by electrical stimulation or natural stimulation of the inputs to the amygdala. Similar changes in audi￾tory-evoked potentials are elicited following fear conditioning (bottom). The enhancement of the evoked response by fear conditioning is further illustrated (upper right panel). (Caption continues at bottom of next page.)
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