1 Chapter 7 Statistical Functionals and the Delta Method 1.Estimators as Functionals of Fn or Pn 2.Continuity of Functionals of F or P 3.Metrics for Distribution Functions F and Probability Distributions P 4.Differentiability of Functionals of F or P:Gateaux,Hadamard,and Frechet Derivatives 5.Higher Order Derivatives1 Chapter 7 Statistical Functionals and the Delta Method 1. Estimators as Functionals of Fn or Pn 2. Continuity of Functionals of F or P 3. Metrics for Distribution Functions F and Probability Distributions P 4. Differentiability of Functionals of F or P: Gateaux, Hadamard, and Frechet Derivatives 5. Higher Order Derivatives
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