Random search The Ga is a search procedure Random search is possibly the simplest search procedure. Its training time may be very long before an acceptable solution is obtained Procedure (1) Start from an initial search point or a set of initial points (2) Random perturbations to the points (3)Repeat until an acceptable solution is reached or a maximum number of iterations is exceeded 2021/1/30 EIE426-AICV2021/1/30 EIE426-AICV 9 Random Search ◼ The GA is a search procedure. ◼ Random search is possibly the simplest search procedure. Its training time may be very long before an acceptable solution is obtained. ◼ Procedure: (1) Start from an initial search point or a set of initial points. (2) Random perturbations to the points (3) Repeat until an acceptable solution is reached or a maximum number of iterations is exceeded
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