very adw.“最,极”,最高级前或first,last之前加very其加强语气的作用。 e.g. a.The very first thing you must do is ring the police. 你必须做的第一件事是打电话给警察。 b.They arrived only at the very last moment. 他们在最后一刻才到。 c.This cake ought to be good,because I used the very best butter. 这蛋糕应该很好吃,因为我用了最好的奶油。 比较第七段中..hosted at the very seat of the American government., 此处very(ad,)应表示“真正的,恰好的” e.g. He is the very man I am looking for. 他正是我要找的人。 Backvery adv. “最,极”,最高级前或first,last之前加very其加强语气的作用。 e.g. a. The very first thing you must do is ring the police. 你必须做的第一件事是打电话给警察。 b. They arrived only at the very last moment. 他们在最后一刻才到。 c. This cake ought to be good, because I used the very best butter. 这蛋糕应该很好吃,因为我用了最好的奶油。 比较第七段中...hosted at the very seat of the American government..., 此处very (adj.)应表示“真正的,恰好的” e.g. He is the very man I am looking for. 他正是我要找的人。 Back
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