Marcela's Work Experience o Background of the text .o BUNAC Britain University of North America Club )offers a range of working holidays, flexible work and travel programs to Canada, the USA, australia New Zealand. Britain and south africa and volunteering/teaching placements. These are open to 18 year olds and over in the uK, the USa and lreland. Programs last from five weeks to two years s BUNAC USA currently offers US students and young people work/travel programs to Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and canada. Each program offers a unique insight into life in a completely different culture and a chance to spend extended time working and traveling overseas. In addition, BUNAC USA offers volunteer placement programs in South Africa, Peru and Cam bodiaMarcela’s Work Experience ❖ Background of the text ❖ BUNAC (Britain University of North America Club) offers a range of working holidays, flexible work and travel programs to Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Britain and South Africa and volunteering/teaching placements. These are open to 18 year olds and over in the UK, the USA and Ireland. Programs last from five weeks to two years. ❖ BUNAC USA currently offers US students and young people work/travel programs to Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Each program offers a unique insight into life in a completely different culture and a chance to spend extended time working and traveling overseas. In addition, BUNAC USA offers volunteer placement programs in South Africa, Peru and Cambodia