PARAM, SCRSPEC, o Requests application of response spectra DLOAD Selects spectra and‘ SUPORT’ DOF at which to apply them DTI, SPECSEL Selects spectra, states associated damping and type of spectrum TABLED1 Provides input spectra Selects spectrum input locations TABDMP1 Describes modal damping for the calculated PARAM OPTION Selects modal combination method 输入示范 SUPORT 13 s Define input dof for the spectra -in this case, dof 3 for GRID 1 is selected coNM21001301000000 s apply large masses in the directions of the spectra input $ TABDMP1 1 CRIT +DMP1 +DMP10.0.01100..01100.01.021000..02+DMP2 +DMP2 ENDT s Select damping ratios for the calculated modes-in this case, a ratio of 1% of ctrtical s is used for all modes from ohz to 100hz and 2% of critical is used for all modes above 10001h PARAM SCRSPEC 0 s Tells MSC/NASTRAN to perform shock spectrum analysis S DEFINE WHERE AND HOW TO APPLY SPECTRA S NOTE THAT SPECTRA ARE APPLIED USING INTERNAL SORT.NOT ASCENDING S ORDER S SID S S1 L1 S2 L2 DLOAD11.01.01 $ Define where spectra are to be applied -this entry is called from Case Control by a$DLOAD=1 command-for this entry, an overall scale factor of 1.0(s)is applied, s a factor of 1.0 (s1)is used to apply spectrum 1(L1)at'SUPORT'dof 1输入示范 SUPORT 1 3 $ $ Define input dof for the spectra - in this case, dof 3 for GRID 1 is selected $ CONM2 1001 3 0 1000000. $ $ apply large masses in the directions of the spectra input $ TABDMP1 1 CRIT +DMP1 +DMP1 0.0 .01 100. .01 100.01 .02 1000. .02 +DMP2 +DMP2 ENDT $ $ Select damping ratios for the calculated modes - in this case, a ratio of 1% of ctrtical $ is used for all modes from 0hz to 100hz and 2% of critical is used for all modes above $ 100.01hz $ $ PARAM,SCRSPEC,0 $ Tells MSC/NASTRAN to perform shock spectrum analysis $ DEFINE WHERE AND HOW TO APPLY SPECTRA $ $ NOTE THAT SPECTRA ARE APPLIED USING INTERNAL SORT...NOT ASCENDING $ ORDER $ $ SID S S1 L1 S2 L2 .... DLOAD 1 1.0 1.0 1 $ $ Define where spectra are to be applied - this entry is called from Case Control by a $ ’DLOAD=1’ command - for this entry, an overall scale factor of 1.0 (S) is applied, $ a factor of 1.0 (S1) is used to apply spectrum 1 (L1) at ’SUPORT’ dof 1
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