Contents Chapter 8 The Chemistry of Some Fungal Diseases of Plants 8.1 Introduction 147 8.2 General Chemistry of Plant-Fungal Interactions 14 8.3 Chemistry of some Leaf-spot Diseases 8.3.1 Botrytis cinerea 14g 8.3.2 Alternaria Leaf-spot Diseases 151 8.3.3 Cercospora Leaf-spot Diseases 153 83.4 Diseases Caused by 8.4 ease of the Gramineae fecting Fungi 8.6 Some Fungal Diseases of Trees 4151599 8.6.1 Dutch Elm Disease 8.6.2 Eutypa Dieback 160 8.6.3 Armillaria mellea 161 8.6.4 Phytophthora cinnamomi 162 8.6.5 Silver-leaf Disease 866 ria lligena Canker 8.6.7 Canker Diseases of 8.7 Trichoderma Species as Anti-fungal Agents 6666 8.8 Fungal Diseases of Plants and Global Warming Chapter 9 Mycotoxins 9.1 Introduction 165 9.2 9.3 9.5 Aflatoxins 96 Mycotoxins of Penicillium Species 9.7 Poisonous Mushrooms 173 Chapter 10 Fungi as Reagents 10.1 Introduction 177 10.2 Xenobiotic Transformations 10.21 Microbial Hydrolysis 10.22 Microbial Redox Reactions 10.2. Microbiological Hydroxylation 103 Biosynthetically-patterned Biotransformations Chapter 8 The Chemistry of Some Fungal Diseases of Plants 8.1 Introduction 147 8.2 General Chemistry of Plant–Fungal Interactions 148 8.3 Chemistry of some Leaf-spot Diseases 149 8.3.1 Botrytis cinerea 149 8.3.2 Alternaria Leaf-spot Diseases 151 8.3.3 Cercospora Leaf-spot Diseases 153 8.3.4 Diseases Caused by Colletotrichum Species 154 8.4 Fungal Diseases of the Gramineae 155 8.5 Root-infecting Fungi 157 8.6 Some Fungal Diseases of Trees 159 8.6.1 Dutch Elm Disease 159 8.6.2 Eutypa Dieback 160 8.6.3 Armillaria mellea 161 8.6.4 Phytophthora cinnamomi 162 8.6.5 Silver-leaf Disease 162 8.6.6 Nectria galligena Canker 162 8.6.7 Canker Diseases of Cypress 163 8.7 Trichoderma Species as Anti-fungal Agents 163 8.8 Fungal Diseases of Plants and Global Warming 164 Chapter 9 Mycotoxins 9.1 Introduction 165 9.2 Ergotism 165 9.3 Trichothecenes as Mycotoxins 166 9.4 Other Fusarium Toxins 168 9.5 Aflatoxins 169 9.6 Mycotoxins of Penicillium Species 171 9.7 Poisonous Mushrooms 173 Chapter 10 Fungi as Reagents 10.1 Introduction 177 10.2 Xenobiotic Transformations 177 10.2.1 Microbial Hydrolysis 178 10.2.2 Microbial Redox Reactions 179 10.2.3 Microbiological Hydroxylation 180 10.3 Biosynthetically-patterned Biotransformations 183 x Contents
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