第16卷第4期 智能系统学报 Vol.16 No.4 2021年7月 CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems Jul.2021 D0:10.11992/tis.202012050 人一AI交互:实现“以人为中心AI”理念的跨学科新领域 许为,葛列众',高在峰2 (1.浙江大学心理科学研究中心,浙江杭州310058:2.浙江大学心理与行为科学系,浙江杭州310058) 摘要:AI技术造福了人类,也给研发带来了挑战,如果开发不当,会伤害人类和社会。目前国内外还没有系 统的跨学科工作框架来有效地应对这些新挑战。为顺应学科发展的交叉趋势,中国国家自然科学基金委 2020年成立了交叉科学部。在这样的背景下,本文分析AI系统研发面临的新挑战,进一步阐述我们在2019年 提出的“以人为中心AI"(human-centered AI,HCAI)研发理念和设计目标。目前,HCAI研发理念在国外是AI界 的热门课题之一,为推动HCAI理念的落实,本文系统地提出了人-人工智能交互(human--AI interaction,HAII) 的跨学科新领域,定义了其目的、范围、研究和应用重点等。通过文献综述和分析,本文总结了国内外HⅡ研 究和应用的重点,提出了今后的主要研究方向。最后,针对今后HCAI理念和HAI领域的工作,提出了一系列 对策和建议。 关键词:人工智能;人-人工智能交互;自主化;以人为中心的人工智能:人机交互;人因工程;人AI系统交互: 以人为中心设计 中图分类号:TP3-05文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-4785(2021)04-0605-17 中文引用格式:许为,葛列众,高在峰.人-AI交互:实现“以人为中心AI”理念的跨学科新领域.智能系统学报,2021, 16(4):605-621. 英文引用格式:XU Wei,,GE Liezhong,.GAO Zaifeng.Human--Al interaction:An emerging interdisciplinary domain for enabling human-centered AIlJI.CAAI transactions on intelligent systems,2021,16(4):605-621. Human-AI interaction:An emerging interdisciplinary domain for enabling human-centered AI XU Wei,GE Liezhong',GAO Zaifeng? (1.Center for Psychological Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;2.Department of Psychology,Zhejiang Uni- versity,Hangzhou 310058,China) Abstract:The new characteristics of AI technology have brought new challenges to the research and development of AI systems.AI technology has benefited humans,but if improperly developed,it will harm humans.At present,there is no systematic interdisciplinary approach to effectively deal with these new challenges.This paper analyzes the new chal- lenges faced by AI systems and further elaborates the"Human-Centered AI"(HCAI)approach we proposed in 2019.In order to enable the implementation of the HCAI approach,we systematically propose an emerging interdisciplinary do- main of"Human-Al Interaction"(HAIl),and define the objective,methodology,and scope.Based on literature review and analyses,this paper summarizes the main areas of the HAII research and application as well as puts forward the fu- ture research agenda for HAIl.Finally,the paper provides strategic recommendations for future implementation of the HCAI approach and HAlI work. Keywords:artificial intelligence;human-artificial intelligence interaction;autonomy:human-centered artificial intelli- gence;human-computer interaction;human factors engineering;human-AI system interaction;human-centered design 人工智能(A)技术正在造福人类,但是,目前许多AI系统的研发主要遵循“以技术为中心” 的理念。研究表明不恰当的A技术开发导致 收稿日期:2020-12-28. 通信作者:许为.E-mail:xuweill@zju.edu.cn 了许多伤害人类的事故,AI事故数据库已经收集了DOI: 10.11992/tis.202012050 人−AI 交互: 实现“以人为中心 AI”理念的跨学科新领域 许为1 ,葛列众1 ,高在峰2 (1. 浙江大学 心理科学研究中心,浙江 杭州 310058; 2. 浙江大学 心理与行为科学系,浙江 杭州 310058) 摘 要:AI 技术造福了人类,也给研发带来了挑战,如果开发不当,会伤害人类和社会。目前国内外还没有系 统的跨学科工作框架来有效地应对这些新挑战。 为顺应学科发展的交叉趋势,中国国家自然科学基金委 2020 年成立了交叉科学部。在这样的背景下,本文分析 AI 系统研发面临的新挑战,进一步阐述我们在 2019 年 提出的“以人为中心 AI”(human-centered AI,HCAI)研发理念和设计目标。目前,HCAI 研发理念在国外是 AI 界 的热门课题之一,为推动 HCAI 理念的落实,本文系统地提出了人−人工智能交互(human-AI interaction,HAII) 的跨学科新领域,定义了其目的、范围、研究和应用重点等。通过文献综述和分析,本文总结了国内外 HAII 研 究和应用的重点,提出了今后的主要研究方向。最后,针对今后 HCAI 理念和 HAII 领域的工作,提出了一系列 对策和建议。 关键词:人工智能;人−人工智能交互;自主化;以人为中心的人工智能;人机交互;人因工程;人-AI 系统交互; 以人为中心设计 中图分类号:TP3-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673−4785(2021)04−0605−17 中文引用格式:许为, 葛列众, 高在峰. 人−AI 交互: 实现“以人为中心 AI”理念的跨学科新领域[J]. 智能系统学报, 2021, 16(4): 605–621. 英文引用格式:XU Wei, GE Liezhong, GAO Zaifeng. Human-AI interaction: An emerging interdisciplinary domain for enabling human-centered AI[J]. CAAI transactions on intelligent systems, 2021, 16(4): 605–621. Human-AI interaction: An emerging interdisciplinary domain for enabling human-centered AI XU Wei1 ,GE Liezhong1 ,GAO Zaifeng2 (1. Center for Psychological Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; 2. Department of Psychology, Zhejiang Uni￾versity, Hangzhou 310058, China) Abstract: The new characteristics of AI technology have brought new challenges to the research and development of AI systems. AI technology has benefited humans, but if improperly developed, it will harm humans. At present, there is no systematic interdisciplinary approach to effectively deal with these new challenges. This paper analyzes the new chal￾lenges faced by AI systems and further elaborates the “Human-Centered AI” (HCAI) approach we proposed in 2019. In order to enable the implementation of the HCAI approach, we systematically propose an emerging interdisciplinary do￾main of “Human-AI Interaction” (HAII), and define the objective, methodology, and scope. Based on literature review and analyses, this paper summarizes the main areas of the HAII research and application as well as puts forward the fu￾ture research agenda for HAII. Finally, the paper provides strategic recommendations for future implementation of the HCAI approach and HAII work. Keywords: artificial intelligence; human-artificial intelligence interaction; autonomy; human-centered artificial intelli￾gence; human-computer interaction; human factors engineering; human-AI system interaction; human-centered design 人工智能 (AI) 技术正在造福人类,但是,目 前许多 AI 系统的研发主要遵循“以技术为中心” 的理念[1-5]。研究表明不恰当的 AI 技术开发导致 了许多伤害人类的事故,AI 事故数据库已经收集了 收稿日期:2020−12−28. 通信作者:许为. E-mail:xuwei11@zju.edu.cn. 第 16 卷第 4 期 智 能 系 统 学 报 Vol.16 No.4 2021 年 7 月 CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems Jul. 2021
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