Geometry Building solids(blue) characterized by a bounding set of surfaces 6 surfaces. 8 vertices parametric function of 3 variables(L,J, K) meshed with the isomesher non-parametric solids(B-rep) cannot be used to create a structured grid 4-10 CFX-4.3V4.3.1H CFX-4 Introductory Training(Dec 1999CFX-4 Introductory Training (Dec 1999) 4 -10 CFX-4.3 V4.3.1H Geometry Building solids (blue) - characterized by a bounding set of surfaces - 6 surfaces, 8 vertices - parametric function of 3 variables (I,J,K) - meshed with the isomesher - non-parametric solids (B-rep) cannot be used to create a structured grid