Lesson 2 Maheegun My Brother IT. Wolf phrases Guess the Chinese translation of following wolf phrases: keep the wolf from the兔于饥饿,勉强度日 door see a wolf 说不出话来,目瞪口呆 ugly enough to tree a 丑陋已极,不中用到极点 wolf wake a sleeping wolf 自找麻烦 set the wolf to keep the引狼入室 sheep W BTL E The end of wolf phrasesW B T L E Lesson 2 Maheegun My Brother keep the wolf from the door see a wolf ugly enough to tree a wolf wake a sleeping wolf set the wolf to keep the sheep The end of Wolf Phrases. II. Wolf Phrases 免于饥饿,勉强度日 说不出话来,目瞪口呆 丑陋已极,不中用到极点 自找麻烦 引狼入室 Guess the Chinese translation of following wolf phrases:
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