MT-1620 al.2002 Figure 20.9 Representation of sinusoidal forcing function F(+ The solution is thus q() sin OT sin@(t-T)L1 mo Jo One can perform this integral to get the solution Go back to the original Ordinary Differential Equation mq +kk q =lf sin Qt Paul A Lagace @2001 Unit 20-20MIT - 16.20 Fall, 2002 Figure 20.9 Representation of sinusoidal forcing function The solution is thus: t q t mω ∫0 ( ) = sin Ωτ sinω (t − τ ) dτ F0 One can perform this integral to get the solution or Go back to the original Ordinary Differential Equation: m q˙˙ + k q = Fo sin Ωt Paul A. Lagace © 2001 Unit 20 - 20
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