园林植物概论教学大纲 Outline of Introduction to Landscape plants 国林植物据论是园林专的门速程要是斯括性地介铅园林植物的形态描述、分类方法及其在园林中的作用。冒在使学生对园 apStudyIt mainly provides a general introduction of the morphoogy.classification and 一.救学要求Course Requirement ,要 求学生能掌挥 教学重点与难点T aching focus and difficulty 三.教学方法与手段Methods and approaches 四.学内容与目标Content and aim of the course am课时分配 ction-the plant kingdom,the ifeof a plant了解 ves an了解4 s掌握4 3园林植物的栽培及其环境The Cultivaionand。 4园林植物的室外栽培.修剪、繁育、病虫害Outdoor cultivation,Pruning,.Propagation and plant problems of landscape plants了 5各论-树木,灌木,藤本Ornamental groups-Trees,Shrubs,Climbers掌握4 6.多年生、 干生 E物Perennials,annuals and biennials了群2 茎植物及兰无 hds,经 romeliads,.cacti and other succulents掌掘 10.水生植物Ag 五.考试型与范围Types and range of examinatio res of the examination 园物的 e plans10% 3)园林植物 环境Landscape plants and environment10% (4)园林植物类群及其应用Major groups and their applications60% 2.考i试题型与分数比例Types and scores of the examination sheet (1)填空题Fi训in20% 简答题Simple questions-answers20% 六、材与参考资料te, ooks and references园林植物概论教学大纲 Outline of Introduction to Landscape plants 园林植物概论是园林专业的入门课程。主要是概括性地介绍园林植物的形态描述、分类方法及其在园林中的作用。旨在使学生对园 林植物有较全面的认识,为今后园林专业的学习奠定基础。 It is an introduction course for Landscape Study. It mainly provides a general introduction of the morphology, classification and application of landscape plants. 一.教学要求Course Requirement 通过本课程的学习,要求学生能掌握园林植物的形态术语、分类方法、生态学特性、观赏特性及其应用。 The course will help the students to learn the basic methods of description, naming, ecological characteristics, aesthetic characteristics and application of landscape plants. 二.教学重点与难点Teaching focus and difficulty 1 教学重点:园林植物的分类、生态特性及其在园林中的应用。 Focus: The role, classification, ecological characteristics and application of landscape plants. 2 教学难点:园林植物的形态特点及主要类群的划分。 Difficulty: Morphological description and classification of the major landscape plants. 三.教学方法与手段Methods and approaches 以课堂讲授和多媒体演示教学为主,同时安排学生进行课堂互动练习。 It will be taught and demonstrated by computer media in the classroom. Group discussion will also be arranged. 四.教学内容与目标Content and aim of the course aim 课时分配 Arrangement (40 scores) 1绪论,总论-植物界,植物生活史General introduction, General introduction-the plant kingdom, the life of a plant了解4 2 叶、花形态及其观赏价值The morpholy and ornamental features of leaves and flowers掌握4 3 园林植物的栽培及其环境The Cultivation and environment of landscape plants了解4 4 园林植物的室外栽培、修剪、繁育、病虫害Outdoor cultivation,Pruning,Propagation and plant problems of landscape plants了 解8 5 各论-树木,灌木,藤本Ornamental groups-Trees,Shrubs,Climbers掌握4 6. 多年生、二年生及一年生植物Perennials,annuals and biennials了解2 7 球茎植物及兰科植物 Bulbous plants,Orchids,掌握4 8 凤梨科植物,仙人掌科植物及其它肉质植物Bromeliads, cacti and other succulents掌握4 9. 棕榈科植物及竹类植物Palms,bamboos掌握4 10. 水生植物Aquatic plants了解2 五、考试题型与范围Types and range of examination 1.考试范围与分数比例Ranges and scores of the examination (1) 园林植物的概念及作用concept and role of the landcape plans 10% (2) 园林植物的分类Classification of landscape plants 20% (3) 园林植物与环境Landscape plants and environment 10% (4) 园林植物类群及其应用 Major groups and their applications 60% 2.考试题型与分数比例Types and scores of the examination sheet (1) 填空题Fill in 20% (2) 选择题multiple choices 10% (3) 名词解释 Explanation of the terms 20% (4) 简答题 Simple questions-answers 20% (5) 论述题 Comprehensive questions-answers 30% 六、教材与参考资料textbooks and references 1. 教材Textbooks: (1) Bridwell, F. M. Landscape Plants, 2nd ed. 2003. Delmar. (2) Christopher Brickell. Encyclopedia of Garden Plants. The Royal Horticulture Society, 2003
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