Influence of wireless communication to the layered Model service location Application layer -new applications multimedia OSl or TCP adaptive applications /P stack MAY congestion and flow control NOT be the Transport layer qualIty of servIce way to go addressing, routing device location Current Network layer hand-over Trend authentication Eliminate Data link layer media access layers or introduce multiplexing media access control hooks such that layers encryption can interact ● Physical layer frequency with each modulation nterference attenuationInfluence of Wireless Communication to the Layered Model – service location – new applications, multimedia – adaptive applications – congestion and flow control – quality of service – addressing, routing, device location – hand-over – authentication – media access – multiplexing – media access control – encryption – frequency – modulation – interference – attenuation • Application layer • Transport layer • Network layer • Data link layer • Physical layer OSI or TCP /IP stack MAY NOT be the way to go! Current Trend : Eliminate layers or introduce hooks such that layers can interact with each other
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