Answers 1-50 BCDCC DCACD BCABC CACAB CACAD CBDDA CABCA DBCAC BACBC CAADC EXt Looked-looked after listened -listened to be done-do me -to me to-for 句型转换 Arent with three legs was finished was this thing invented is filled with to give them whether serve all don t how to get am to One possible version Li Lei likes apples very much. One day when he was walking in a garden, he looked up and saw a big tree with a lot of red apples on it. He wanted to pick an apple but he is too short to reach it. Suddenly he came up with an idea when he saw a ladder near the house. He ran over to carry the ladder and put it against the tree. And then he began to climb but suddenly a dog came. It was barking. Li Lei was much afraid of dogs. He fell off the ladder and hurt himself badly. He couldn't move on the ground and cried 1. writing 2. keep 3. soon 4 words 5. metal 6 together 7. another 8. outside 9. soft 10. lessAnswers 1-50 BCDCC DCACD BCABC CACAB CACAD CBDDA CABCA DBCAC BACBC CAADC 改错 Looked – looked after listened –listened to be done – do me – to me to –for 句型转换 Aren’t with three legs was finished was this thing invented is filled with to give them whether serve all don’t how to get am to One possible version: Li Lei likes apples very much. One day when he was walking in a garden, he looked up and saw a big tree with a lot of red apples on it. He wanted to pick an apple but he is too short to reach it. Suddenly he came up with an idea when he saw a ladder near the house. He ran over to carry the ladder and put it against the tree. And then he began to climb but suddenly a dog came. It was barking. Li Lei was much afraid of dogs. He fell off the ladder and hurt himself badly. He couldn’t move on the ground and cried 1. writing 2. keep 3. soon 4. words 5. metal 6. together 7. another 8. outside 9. soft 10. less
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