现代英语口语表示法500例( Evelyn录入) ★14☆ play up to someone拍某人的马屁 Who put you up to it? The young actress played up to the director, hoping to get a role in the TV series pop the question求婚 Can you tell me how you popped the question to your wife? myaybe I take the plunge蹲躇一段时间后断然决定去干 can learn something from you The commander finally took the plunge and launched the final attack call it quits作罢 play possum装糊涂,装傻 Mary and Tom had been in love for several years. But these days, they He often quarrels with his wife. When he comesto me for advice I can egan to realize that they had very little in common. they decided to do nothing but play possum. drop something like a hot potato赶紧抛弃,放弃 chew the rag闲聊 He has been dreaming of owning his own car. But when he knew a car chew the rag也有争吵的意思 would cost ten years of his salary, he drop the idea like a hot potato If they have time, these wives are always sitting together and chewing sing someone' s praises颂扬某人 the rag The lawyer is quite successful. His clients sing his praises to others fly into a rage大发雷露 · be past praying for不可救药 The old father flew into a rage when his daughter didn t obey his will When I sent my cat to the vet, he said that it was past praying for. break ranks with someone与……分道拐 · be sitting pretty享受安乐生活 反义词为: close ranks with someone Our company survived the economic crisis and now we are sitting People within one party gradually had conf licts on some political issues. Some of them decided to break ranks with others and set up a new · pocket one' s pride放下架子 The laid-off workers from the state-owned enterprises should pocket smell a rat察觉可疑 their pride and seek for re-employment. leis a well-known miser. I smell a rat when he invited me to his home ng if he is asking favors put someone up to.唆使某人去… HOw dare you to have lodged a complaint against me with the director?现代英语口语表示法 500 例(Evelyn 录入) ☆ 14 ☆ • play up to someone 拍某人的马屁 The young actress played up to the director, hoping to get a role in the TV series. • take the plunge 踌躇一段时间后断然决定去干…… The commander finally took the plunge and launched the final attack. • play possum 装糊涂,装傻 He often quarrels with his wife. When he comesto me for advice, I can do nothing but play possum. • drop something like a hot potato 赶紧抛弃,放弃 He has been dreaming of owning his own car. But when he knew a car would cost ten years' of his salary, he drop the idea like a hot potato. • sing someone's praises 颂扬某人 The lawyer is quite successful. His clients sing his praises to others. • be past praying for 不可救药 When I sent my cat to the vet, he said that it was past praying for. • be sitting pretty 享受安乐生活 Our company survived the economic crisis and now we are sitting pretty. • pocket one's pride 放下架子 The laid-off workers from the state-owned enterprises should pocket their pride and seek for re-employment. • put someone up to...唆使某人去…… HOw dare you to have lodged a complaint against me with the director? Who put you up to it? • pop the question 求婚 Can you tell me how you popped the question to your wife? Myaybe I can learn something from you. • call it quits 作罢 Mary and Tom had been in love for several years. But these days, they began to realize that they had very little in common. They decided to call it quits. • chew the rag 闲聊 chew the rag 也有争吵的意思 If they have time, these wives are always sitting together and chewing the rag. • fly into a rage 大发雷霆 The old father flew into a rage when his daughter didn't obey his will. • break ranks with someone 与……分道扬镳 反义词为:close ranks with someone People within one party gradually had conflicts on some political issues. Some of them decided to break ranks with others and set up a new party. • smell a rat 察觉可疑 Heis a well-known miser. I smell a rat when he inviteds me to his home for dinner. I was wondering if he is asking favors of me
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