Lesson14-Space Shuttle Challenger III. Sentence Paraphrase 4 checking in periodically with NASa public affairs and monitoring the chatter on the bureau s radio scanner.(Para. 3) a radio receiver used the nasa by the press bureau every now and then asking NASA people in charge of public affairs whether they had anything new to say, and carefully watching and listening to he talk on their radio scanner go to 5 W BTL ELesson14—Space Shuttle Challenger W B T L E III. Sentence Paraphrase 4 … checking in periodically with NASA public affairs and monitoring the chatter on the bureau’s radio scanner. (Para. 3) go to 5 the NASA bureau a radio receiver used by the press … every now and then asking NASA people in charge of public affairs whether they had anything new to say, and carefully watching and listening to the talk on their radio scanner
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