Home 17.延误,耽搁 set back 18.得出结论 come to a conclusion 19.(调查)结果 findings 20.不断互相撞击 keep crashing into each other 21.盘旋 hover over 22.载人飞碟 manned flying saucer 23.可行性 feasibility 24.记者招待会 a press conference 22 17. 延误,耽搁 18. 得出结论 19. (调查)结果 20. 不断互相撞击 21. 盘旋 22. 载人飞碟 set back come to a conclusion findings keep crashing into each other hover over manned flying saucer 23. 可行性 24. 记者招待会 feasibility a press conference
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