Mid term issues Long Term Issues on about and integra Define meta data standar WVBA What is the How do we compose, display, and interpret multi namespace HWIL devices and How are aggregation and composability supp Authoring Define meta data standards for Traceability and maintenance of Use Cases Long erm Issues network optimization? Simulation control API OTBJSAFMR Forces/Combat XXI Compensating for mi Ease of us can we define Virtual, live, constructive ele = Next Steps Define xmsf Defense Impacts Implications Define M&S vision for XMSF focusing on extensibility Define mse customer basel dentify other efforts we can le 1111 XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium 6 September 2002 61 Mid Term Issues • How do we reason about and integrate simulations with different TM mechanisms? • How do we compose, display, and interpret multi namespace documents? • How do we rapidly and repeatably integrate HWIL devices and live components? • Define meta data standards for: • Systems engineering • Valuation of data • Dynamic data acquisition • Define “need to know” mechanisms • Security • Perception-based modeling • Interest management XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium 6 September 2002 62 Long Term Issues • Define meta data standards to support VV&A • What is the process for VV&A of security mechanism extension? • How are aggregation and composability supported? • Authoring • Archiving • Selection – searching, directories, repositories • Traceability and maintenance of constituent components XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium 6 September 2002 63 Long Term Issues • How do we integrate non-simulation functionality, e.g. network optimization? • Simulation control API • Result analysis • Compensating for missing data • Ease of use for developers • Debugging support • How much of a development environment can we define interfaces to support XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium 6 September 2002 64 Use Cases • NPSNET V – Entity Based • Swapping behaviors and data models at run time • Always on, server based • < 60 entities • OTB/JSAF/VR Forces/Combat XXI • Multiple output formats from a single source • 2D to 3D correlation • Mapping between data standards and extension of meta data standards • Logistics and communications • Acquisition: sensor to shooter pairing, PH/PK • Play in parallel with major joint exercise • Construction less than 1 year and $13M • Virtual, live, constructive elements • Unified Endeavor - coalition Near Term: 1-2 years Mid Term: 3-5 year Long Term: > 5 years XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium 6 September 2002 65 Next Steps • Define XMSF • Must have this before other steps can be taken • Requires coordination w/other subgroups • Define M&S vision for XMSF focusing on extensibility and composability • What is its relationship to HLA and JMASS? • What is its relationship to the JTA? • Define XMSF customer base • Identify XMSF stakeholders • Identify other efforts we can leverage Defense Impacts & Implications Mike Zyda, co-leader
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