(4)to beg and barter:Alliteration.To barter means to trade by exchanging goods or serves without 工可eu变 or other animals feeding livin or being driven togethe to exist. $1.B de:an animal's skin,especially when it has been removed to be used for leathe re t (1) nent ludged by the values of christian civilization the Native American cultures ar government perceived the Sun Dance as idolatry and therefore abolished it by force.For the Kiowa people the Sun Dance was the iest religious ceremon Forbidden to practice their e to b crowd 82.Forbidden without cause the essential e two phras hy the backe d away fo ever fron The medic n the medicine tree e w tree from which the Sun Dance medicine bundle was hung. (1)bend:abent or curving part of a river (2)the Washita:the Washita River,720 km.Long,rises in the Texas Panhandle near the Oklahoma line and flows southeast to 84.In summ xn up w 4to9,the author ng hi grandmother serves as a focus or a link by which the author moves his narrative from one stage to nothe aragraph 102 only on his ndmother's st Now th have h only m or sitting:bearing.The word refers to the habitual or assumed disposition of the parts of the body in standing.sitting.ect. (3)Skillet:a flat heavy cooking pan with a long handle Ame ke to wear be ads as adecoration h (6)Visio the 87.She made long rambling prayer out of.many things:since she had seen many things,experienced 8onerongeshe out suffering and hope in her long and disconnected prayers. ve were they of all mere cus all th decluSoepeany (3)Custom and company:Alliteration again. (4)The meaning of th ce is that his grandmother's prayers did not follow any customary of pra ing,and did n t want anyone else to here them ere anything on the upper part of her body avove the waist.Note (2)Drawn:pulled up (3)Sha a piece of fabric,usually re 90.but there was something inherent(4) to beg and barter: Alliteration. To barter means to trade by exchanging goods or serves without using money (5) herd: a number of cattle, sheep, or other animals feeding, living, or being driven together. 79. as a living Sun Dance culture: After the Sun Dance culture was forbidden and destroyed, it ceased to exist. 80. hide: an animal’s skin, especially when it has been removed to be used for leather 81. Before the dance could . (1) The orders came from the U.S. government. Judged by the values of Christianity and European civilization, the Native American cultures appeared to be inferior and backward. The U. S. government perceived the Sun Dance as idolatry and therefore abolished it by force. For the Kiowa people, the Sun Dance was their holiest religious ceremony. Forbidden to practice their own religion, they were cut off from the life sustaining power of the sun. (2) To disperse: to break up and scatter in all directions. E. g. the police used tear gas to disperse the crowd. 82. Forbidden without cause the essential . (1) the above two phrases explain why the Kiowas backed away forever from the medicine tree. (2) The medicine tree was the tree from which the Sun Dance medicine bundle was hung. 83. .at the great bend of the Washita. (1) bend: a bent or curving part of a river (2) the Washita: the Washita River, 720 km. Long, rises in the Texas Panhandle near the Oklahoma line and flows southeast to the Red River. 84. In summing up we can see that in Paragraph 4 to 9, the author , by involving himself with the landscape, explores the three stages of the Kiowas’ culture-emergence, evolution and decline. His grandmother serves as a focus or a link by which the author moves his narrative from one stage to another. Para. 10 85. What is the main idea of Paragraph 10? For the first time, the author concentrates only on his grandmother’s story rather than mixing it with the history of the whole Kiowa tribe. Also for the first time, the author shifts the focus of depicting the landscape to describing a person-his grandmother Aho as an old woman. 86.Now that I can have her only in . (1) now that: because of something, as a result of something (2) posture: the position or carriage of the body in standing or sitting; bearing. The word refers to the habitual or assumed disposition of the parts of the body in standing, sitting, ect. (3) Skillet: a flat heavy cooking pan with a long handle (4) Beadwork; decorative work in bead. American Indians like to wear beads as a decoration. (5) When her vision had failed: when she could not see well (6) Vision: the ability to see 87. She made long rambling prayer out of.many things: since she had seen many things, experienced a lot in her long life, she talked about suffering and hope in her long and disconnected prayers. 88. .so exclusive were they of all mere custom and company. (1) Note the inversion for stressing the word “exclusive”. (2) Exclusive: not including or allowing for (3) Custom and company: Alliteration again. (4) The meaning of this sentence is that his grandmother’s prayers did not follow any customary way of praying, and she did not want anyone else to here them. 89. the last time I saw her she prayed. (1) naked to the waist: She didn’t were anything on the upper part of her body avove the waist. Note the preposition “to”. (2) Drawn: pulled up (3) Shawl: a piece of fabric, usually rectangular and often folded into a triangle, worn over the shoulders or head or wrapped round a baby. 90. but there was something inherently
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