Translation of RNA:Protein Biosynthesis 1.Successive codons on mRNA are read 2.Different tRNAs Codon sequences bring the correct mRNA chain amino acids into Codon on mRNA chain position for enzyme- Anticodon on tRNA mediated transfer to the growing peptide 0 H>NCH H2NCH H>NCH 3.When synthesis of Bound amino CHCH3 CH2 the proper protein is acid residue CH2 CO2H completed,a“stop” CH3 codon signals the end Ile Asp Gly Tyr Ala 4. The protein is Ile-Asp-Gly-Tyr-Ala released from the ribosome 1. Successive codons on mRNA are read 2. Different tRNAs bring the correct amino acids into position for enzyme￾mediated transfer to the growing peptide 3. When synthesis of the proper protein is completed, a “stop” codon signals the end 4. The protein is released from the ribosome Translation of RNA: Protein Biosynthesis
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