ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report is the fruit of collaboration among many individuals and institutions.The editorial and research team thanks all who gave so generously of their expertise and energy,in particular: Sheridan Bartlett(City University of New York);Jean Christophe Fotso(APHRC);Nancy Guerra(University of California); Eva Jesperson(UNDP);Jacob Kumaresan (WHO Urban HEART);Gora Mboup(UN-Habitat);Sheela Patel(SDI); Mary Racelis(Ateneo de Manila University);Eliana Riggio;David Satterthwaite(IIED);Ita Sheehy(UNHCR); Nicola Shepherd(UNDESA);Mats Utas (Swedish Academy of Letters);and Malak Zaalouk(American University of Cairo), for serving on the External Advisory Board. Sheridan Bartlett;Roger Hart and Pamela Wridt(City University of New York);Carolyn Stephens (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and National University of Tucuman,Argentina);and Laura Tedesco(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid),for authoring background papers. Fred Arnold(ICF Macro);Ricky Burdett(London School of Economics and Political Science);Elise Caves and Cristina Diez (ATD Fourth World Movement);Michael Cohen(New School);Malgorzata Danilczuk-Danilewicz;Celine d'Cruz(SDI); Robert Downs (Columbia University);Sara Elder(ILO);Kimberly Gamble-Payne;Patrick Gerland(UNDESA);Friedrich Huebler (UNESCO);Richard Kollodge (UNFPA);Maristela Monteiro(PAHO);Anushay Said (World Bank Institute): Helen Shaw(South East Public Health Observatory);Mark Sommers(Tufts University);Tim Stonor(Space Syntax Ltd.); Emi Suzuki (World Bank);Laura Turquet(UN-Women);Henrik Urdal (Harvard Kennedy School);and Hania Zlotnik (UNDESA),for providing information and advice. Special thanks to Sheridan Bartlett,Gora Mboup and Amit Prasad (WHO)for their generosity of intellect and spirit. UNICEF country and regional offices and headquarters divisions contributed to this report by submitting findings and photographs,taking part in formal reviews or commenting on drafts.Many field offices and UNICEF national committees arranged to translate or adapt the report for local use. Programme,policy,communication and research advice and support were provided by Geeta Rao Gupta,Deputy Executive Director;Rima Salah,Deputy Executive Director;Gordon Alexander,Director,Office of Research;Nicholas Alipui, Director,Programme Division;Louis-Georges Arsenault,Director,Office of Emergency Programmes;Colin Kirk,Director, Evaluation Office;Khaled Mansour,Director,Division of Communication;Richard Morgan,Director,Division of Policy and Practice;Lisa Adelson-Bhalla;Christine De Agostini;Stephen Antonelli;Maritza Ascencios;Lakshmi Narasimhan Balaji; Gerrit Beger;Wivina Belmonte;Rosangela Berman-Bieler;Aparna Bhasin;Nancy Binkin;Susan Bissell;Clarissa Brocklehurst; Marissa Buckanoff;Sally Burnheim;Jingqing Chai;Kerry Constabile;Howard Dale;Tobias Dierks;Kathryn Donovan; Paul Edwards;Solrun Engilbertsdottir;Rina Gill;Bjorn Gillsater;Dora Giusti;Judy Grayson;Attila Hancioglu; Peter Harvey;Saad Houry;Priscillia Kounkou Hoveyda;Robert Jenkins;Malene Jensen;Theresa Kilbane;Jimmy Kolker; June Kunugi;Boris De Luca;Susanne Mikhail Eldhagen;Sam Mort;Isabel Ortiz;Shannon O'Shea;Kent Page; Nicholas Rees;Maria Rubi;Rhea Saab;Urmila Sarkar;Teghvir Singh Sethi;Fran Silverberg;Peter Smerdon;Antony Spalton; Manuela Stanculescu;David Stewart;Jordan Tamagni;Susu Thatun;Renee Van de Weerdt;and Natalia Elena Winder-Rossi. Special thanks to Catherine Langevin-Falcon,Chief,Publications Section,who oversaw the editing and production of the statistical tables and provided essential expertise,guidance and continuity amid changes in personnel. Finally,a particular debt of gratitude is owed to David Anthony,Chief,Policy Advocacy,and editor of this report for the past seven editions,for his vision,support and encouragement. REPORT TEAM EDITORIAL AND RESEARCH STATISTICAL TABLES Abid Aslam,Julia Szczuka,Editors Tessa Wardlaw,Associate Director,Statistics and Nikola Balvin,Sue Le-Ba,Meedan Mekonnen, Monitoring Section,Division of Policy and Practice; Research officers Priscilla Akwara;David Brown;Danielle Burke; Chris Brazier,Writer Xiaodong Cai;Claudia Cappa;Liliana Carvajal;Archana Marc Chalamet,French editor Dwivedi;Anne Genereux;Elizabeth Horn-Phatanothai; Carlos Perellon,Spanish editor Claes Johansson;Rouslan Karimov;Mengjia Liang; Hirut Gebre-Egziabher,Lead,Yasmine Hage,Lisa Kenney, Rolf Luyendijk;Nyein Nyein Lwin;Colleen Murray; Anne Ytreland,Jin Zhang,Research assistants Holly Newby;Khin Wityee Oo;Nicole Petrowski; Charlotte Maitre,Lead,Anna Grojec, Chiho Suzuki;Danzhen You Carol Holmes,Copy editors Celine Little,Dean Malabanan,Anne Santiago, ONLINE PRODUCTION AND IMAGES Judith Yemane,Editorial and administrative support Stephen Cassidy,Chief,Internet,Broadcast and Image Section;Matthew Cortellesi;Susan Markisz; PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION Keith Musselman;Ellen Tolmie;Tanya Turkovich Jaclyn Tierney,Chief,Print and Translation Section; Germain Ake;Fanuel Endalew;Jorge Peralta-Rodriguez; Design by Green Communication Design inc. Elias Salem;Nogel S.Viyar;Edward Ying Jr. Printed by Brodock Press,Inc. Acknowledgementsiii This report is the fruit of collaboration among many individuals and institutions. The editorial and research team thanks all who gave so generously of their expertise and energy, in particular: Sheridan Bartlett (City University of New York); Jean Christophe Fotso (APHRC); Nancy Guerra (University of California); Eva Jesperson (UNDP); Jacob Kumaresan (WHO Urban HEART); Gora Mboup (UN-Habitat); Sheela Patel (SDI); Mary Racelis (Ateneo de Manila University); Eliana Riggio; David Satterthwaite (IIED); Ita Sheehy (UNHCR); Nicola Shepherd (UNDESA); Mats Utas (Swedish Academy of Letters); and Malak Zaalouk (American University of Cairo), for serving on the External Advisory Board. Sheridan Bartlett; Roger Hart and Pamela Wridt (City University of New York); Carolyn Stephens (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and National University of Tucuman, Argentina); and Laura Tedesco (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), for authoring background papers. Fred Arnold (ICF Macro); Ricky Burdett (London School of Economics and Political Science); Elise Caves and Cristina Diez (ATD Fourth World Movement); Michael Cohen (New School); Malgorzata Danilczuk-Danilewicz; Celine d’Cruz (SDI); Robert Downs (Columbia University); Sara Elder (ILO); Kimberly Gamble-Payne; Patrick Gerland (UNDESA); Friedrich Huebler (UNESCO); Richard Kollodge (UNFPA); Maristela Monteiro (PAHO); Anushay Said (World Bank Institute); Helen Shaw (South East Public Health Observatory); Mark Sommers (Tufts University); Tim Stonor (Space Syntax Ltd.); Emi Suzuki (World Bank); Laura Turquet (UN-Women); Henrik Urdal (Harvard Kennedy School); and Hania Zlotnik (UNDESA), for providing information and advice. Special thanks to Sheridan Bartlett, Gora Mboup and Amit Prasad (WHO) for their generosity of intellect and spirit. UNICEF country and regional offices and headquarters divisions contributed to this report by submitting findings and photographs, taking part in formal reviews or commenting on drafts. Many field offices and UNICEF national committees arranged to translate or adapt the report for local use. Programme, policy, communication and research advice and support were provided by Geeta Rao Gupta, Deputy Executive Director; Rima Salah, Deputy Executive Director; Gordon Alexander, Director, Office of Research; Nicholas Alipui, Director, Programme Division; Louis-Georges Arsenault, Director, Office of Emergency Programmes; Colin Kirk, Director, Evaluation Office; Khaled Mansour, Director, Division of Communication; Richard Morgan, Director, Division of Policy and Practice; Lisa Adelson-Bhalla; Christine De Agostini; Stephen Antonelli; Maritza Ascencios; Lakshmi Narasimhan Balaji; Gerrit Beger; Wivina Belmonte; Rosangela Berman-Bieler; Aparna Bhasin; Nancy Binkin; Susan Bissell; Clarissa Brocklehurst; Marissa Buckanoff; Sally Burnheim; Jingqing Chai; Kerry Constabile; Howard Dale; Tobias Dierks; Kathryn Donovan; Paul Edwards; Solrun Engilbertsdottir; Rina Gill; Bjorn Gillsater; Dora Giusti; Judy Grayson; Attila Hancioglu; Peter Harvey; Saad Houry; Priscillia Kounkou Hoveyda; Robert Jenkins; Malene Jensen; Theresa Kilbane; Jimmy Kolker; June Kunugi; Boris De Luca; Susanne Mikhail Eldhagen; Sam Mort; Isabel Ortiz; Shannon O’Shea; Kent Page; Nicholas Rees; Maria Rubi; Rhea Saab; Urmila Sarkar; Teghvir Singh Sethi; Fran Silverberg; Peter Smerdon; Antony Spalton; Manuela Stanculescu; David Stewart; Jordan Tamagni; Susu Thatun; Renee Van de Weerdt; and Natalia Elena Winder-Rossi. Special thanks to Catherine Langevin-Falcon, Chief, Publications Section, who oversaw the editing and production of the statistical tables and provided essential expertise, guidance and continuity amid changes in personnel. Finally, a particular debt of gratitude is owed to David Anthony, Chief, Policy Advocacy, and editor of this report for the past seven editions, for his vision, support and encouragement. EDITORIAL AND RESEARCH Abid Aslam, Julia Szczuka, Editors Nikola Balvin, Sue Le-Ba, Meedan Mekonnen, Research officers Chris Brazier, Writer Marc Chalamet, French editor Carlos Perellon, Spanish editor Hirut Gebre-Egziabher, Lead, Yasmine Hage, Lisa Kenney, Anne Ytreland, Jin Zhang, Research assistants Charlotte Maitre, Lead, Anna Grojec, Carol Holmes, Copy editors Celine Little, Dean Malabanan, Anne Santiago, Judith Yemane, Editorial and administrative support PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION Jaclyn Tierney, Chief, Print and Translation Section; Germain Ake; Fanuel Endalew; Jorge Peralta-Rodriguez; Elias Salem; Nogel S. Viyar; Edward Ying Jr. STATISTICAL TABLES Tessa Wardlaw, Associate Director, Statistics and Monitoring Section, Division of Policy and Practice; Priscilla Akwara; David Brown; Danielle Burke; Xiaodong Cai; Claudia Cappa; Liliana Carvajal; Archana Dwivedi; Anne Genereux; Elizabeth Horn-Phatanothai; Claes Johansson; Rouslan Karimov; Mengjia Liang; Rolf Luyendijk; Nyein Nyein Lwin; Colleen Murray; Holly Newby; Khin Wityee Oo; Nicole Petrowski; Chiho Suzuki; Danzhen You ONLINE PRODUCTION AND IMAGES Stephen Cassidy, Chief, Internet, Broadcast and Image Section; Matthew Cortellesi; Susan Markisz; Keith Musselman; Ellen Tolmie; Tanya Turkovich Design by Green Communication Design inc. Printed by Brodock Press, Inc. Acknowledgements Report team Acknowledgements
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