13 +20dB 35 og [o] ogIo igure 11.6 Bode diagram of A(s) +40dB 阳+20dB OdB -20dB 5-3g -60dB 1og[ω Fi Bode di 11.4 A Comparison of Methods This chapter concludes with the frequency response of a simple system function plotted in three different ways Example 3 = (s+100)(s+200(s+300 Figure 11.8 shows the direct, linear frequency response curves for T(s). Corresponding Bode and Nyquist diagrams are shown, respectively, in Figs. 11.9 and 11.10 e 2000 by CRC Press LLC© 2000 by CRC Press LLC 11.4 A Comparison of Methods This chapter concludes with the frequency response of a simple system function plotted in three different ways. Example 3 Figure 11.8 shows the direct, linear frequency response curves for T(s). Corresponding Bode and Nyquist diagrams are shown, respectively, in Figs. 11.9 and 11.10. Figure 11.6 Bode diagram of A(s). Figure 11.7 Bode diagram of G(s). T s s s s ( ) ( )( )( ) = + + + 10 100 200 300 7
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