windows. Rabbit has a sunroof The final difference between the two is in fuel consumption In conclusion, then, although there are some superficial similarities between the two, there are quite a number of differences Practice 3: Accidents in a Large British City Main Accident 1977 Percentage Cause number of rise(+) Accidents Or fall(-)over 1976 (+)10% Drivers turning 608 right without due care Pedestrains 442 crossIng Road carelessly 3 Drivers failing to 314 5% give a signal 4 Drivers losing 264 +50% control of vehicles 5 Drivers 257 7% improperly overtaking other vehicles 6 Drivers 174 25% misjudging distance Give a description of the information above A survey about traffic accidents was conducted by. in 1977 in a large British city. The purpose of the survey was to discover the main accident cause, and the number of accidents different causes lead to, and the percentage of the rise or fall compared with that of 1976 First, tuning right without due care 608 accidents in 1977. Secondly pedestrains crossed roads carelessly, 442 accidents occurred. Next, although5 windows,Rabbit has a sunroof… The final difference between the two is in fuel consumption… In conclusion,,then,although there are some superficial similarities between the two,there are quite a number of differences. Practice 3: Accidents in a Large British City Main Accident Cause 1977 number of Accidents Percentage rise(+) Or fall(-) over 1976 1 Drivers turning right without due care 608 (+)10% 2 Pedestrains crossing Road carelessly 442 +8% 3 Drivers failing to give a signal 314 -5% 4 Drivers losing control of vehicles 264 +50% 5 Drivers improperly overtaking other vehicles 257 -7% 6 Drivers misjudging distance 174 -25% Give a description of the information above: A survey about traffic accidents was conducted by… in 1977 in a large British city .The purpose of the survey was to discover the main accident cause, and the number of accidents different causes lead to, and the percentage of the rise or fall compared with that of 1976. First, turning right without due care ____ 608 accidents in 1977.Secondly,____ pedestrains crossed roads carelessly, 442 accidents occurred.Next,although
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