international economic organizations and regional international economic organizations which produce important effects on international economic contact. and Difficult Poi nts ys al Economic Organizations World Bank World Trade Organization 5 Furopean Union Knowledge Structure International Economic Organization Univeran introduction to International Economic Organization 123 ional Organizati Internationa Section 1 Introduction 11 Con t and characteristics of International economic Organization and law of International Economic Organization 1.2 Kinds of International Economic Organization 1.3 Membership of International Economic Organization 4Institutions(Agenci s)of nternational Economic Organization 7.6 Voting System rganizatio 2.1 Inte 2.2 World Bank Group(WBG) Section 3 World Trade Organization(WTO) 3.1 Establishment of WTO 3.2 General Introduction to WTO Basic Principles of WTO WTO 11E U International Economic Organizations 42A nton (E Fast Asian Natio (ASEAN) 4.3 Asia and Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) 1 4 Andean Pact organization 4.5 North American Free Trade Agreement Chapter 3 Transnational Corporations Number of Class Hour:4 Aim and Requirement: Let the students know concept and characteristics of transnational corporations,as well as the egal statu us of transnational corporations.Also the students should learn something about the debt respo lity occu n parent companies and their Subsidianes and Branches ey Legal status of Transnational Corporations 3. Transnational Corporations'Debt Responsibility for Their Subsidiaries and Branches Knowledge Structure Iransnational C porations Concept and haracteristics of Transnational Corporations Legal Status orporations sponsibility for Their Subsidiaries and Branches andCharacteristics of Transnational Corporations 1.1 General Conditions of Development 1.2 Concept and Characteristics 1.3 Structure of Transnational Corporations 1.4 Confliction and Regulationinternational economic organizations and regional international economic organizations which produce important effects on international economic contact. Key Points and Difficult Points: 1. Voting System of International Economic Organizations 2. International Monetary Fund 3. World Bank 4. World Trade Organization 5. European Union Knowledge Structure International Economic Organization 1. General Introduction to International Economic Organization 2. Universal International Economic Organization 3. Regional International Economic Organization Section 1 Introduction ⒈1 Concept and Characteristics of International Economic Organization and Law of International Economic Organization 1.2 Kinds of International Economic Organization 1.3 Membership of International Economic Organization ⒈4 Institutions(Agencies) of International Economic Organization ⒈5 Voting System of International Economic Organization ⒈6 Legal Personality of International Economic Organization Section 2 Global International Economic Organizations ⒉1 International Monetary Fund ( IMF) ⒉2 World Bank Group(WBG) Section 3 World Trade Organization (WTO) ⒊1 Establishment of WTO ⒊2 General Introduction to WTO ⒊3 Basic Principles of WTO ⒊4 WTO and China Section 4 Regional International Economic Organizations ⒋1 European Union (EU) ⒋2 Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) ⒋3 Asia and Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) ⒋4 Andean Pact Organization ⒋5 North American Free Trade Agreement Chapter 3 Transnational Corporations Number of Class Hour: 4 Aim and Requirement: Let the students know concept and characteristics of transnational corporations, as well as the legal status of transnational corporations. Also the students should learn something about the debt responsibility occurred between parent companies and their Subsidiaries and Branches. Key Points and Difficult Points: 1. What’s a transnational corporation? 2. Legal Status of Transnational Corporations 3. Transnational Corporations’ Debt Responsibility for Their Subsidiaries and Branches Knowledge Structure Transnational Corporations 1. Concept and Characteristics of Transnational Corporations 2. Legal Status of Transnational Corporations 3. Transnational Corporations’ Debt Responsibility for Their Subsidiaries and Branches 4. Legal Regulations for Transnational Corporations Section 1 Concept and Characteristics of Transnational Corporations ⒈1 General Conditions of Development ⒈2 Concept and Characteristics ⒈3 Structure of Transnational Corporations ⒈4 Confliction and Regulation
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