VI.1~5 ABDCC 6~10 BADAB VII.1~5 CABDA 6~10 DDBAC 11~15 CDCAD Ⅷ.l.However 2.They can download them on their mobile devices. 3.Two. 4.There's a new way of learning called digital learning.It helps students learn by using the Internet. 5.它们帮助你们掌握在学校里所学的知识。 IX.1.textbook 2.expression 3.chemistry 4.increased 5.create X.1.practice 2.talk 3.writing 4.pronunciation 5.mistakes XI.(参考范文) Jack 10:00 pm,September 9th,2021 Hi,Dave.First,I want to tell you that many students have the same problem as you.In fact,English is not as difficult as you think.You may have problems with the ways you learn.Here are my suggestions: 1.Try to get everything ready before class and practice speaking English in class and out of class. 2.Listen carefully when you are in class.It can help you understand the lesson better.Don't forget to take notes if necessary. 3.Review the lesson after class.And try to do a bit more exercises. Don't worry too much about it.Keep trying and you will leamn English better soon. Good luck!Ⅵ. 1~5 ABDCC 6~10 BADAB Ⅶ. 1~5 CABDA 6~10 DDBAC 11~15 CDCAD Ⅷ. 1. However 2.They can download them on their mobile devices. 3. Two. 4. There’s a new way of learning called digital learning. It helps students learn by using the Internet. 5. 它们帮助你们掌握在学校里所学的知识。 Ⅸ. 1. textbook 2. expression 3. chemistry 4. increased 5. create Ⅹ. 1. practice 2. talk 3. writing 4. pronunciation 5. mistakes Ⅺ. (参考范文) Jack 10:00 pm,September 9th,2021 Hi,Dave. First, I want to tell you that many students have the same problem as you. In fact,English is not as difficult as you think. You may have problems with the ways you learn. Here are my suggestions: 1. Try to get everything ready before class and practice speaking English in class and out of class. 2. Listen carefully when you are in class. It can help you understand the lesson better. Don’t forget to take notes if necessary. 3. Review the lesson after class. And try to do a bit more exercises. Don’t worry too much about it. Keep trying and you will learn English better soon. Good luck!
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