Table 5. 1 Some large hydroelectric Projects in the U.S First Year Rated Capacity Project River of Operation (MW) Grand Coulee Columbia 1942 7100 John Day Columbia 1969 2500 Chief Joseph Columbia 1955 2300 Moses-Niagara St Lawrence 1961 Bath County, va Buck Creek 1985 2100 Hoover Colorado 1936 2080 The Dalles Columbia 1957 Racoon Mt tennessee 1979 1530 Glen Canyon Colorado 1964 130 MeNary, OR Columbia 1954 1130 Northfield, MA 1971 1080 Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration(2000): United States Bureau of Reclamation (2004) 复旦大学环境科学与工程系 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan UniversityTable 5.1 Some Large Hydroelectric Projects in the U.S