SIVERSITY ScIE\CE TECH\OLoGY 8.0串匹配问题 CHINA a String-matching Problem 1. Find one occurrences of a pattern in a text 2. Find out all the occurrences of a pattern in a text a Applications require two kinds of solution depending on which string, the pattern or the text, is given first algorithms based on the use of automata or combinatorial properties of strings are commonly implemented to preprocess the pattern and sol ve the first kind of problem 2. The notion of indexes realized by trees or automata is used in the second kind of solutions 021/2 &T2021/2/4 Department of Computer Science & Technology 3 8.0 串匹配问题  String-matching Problem: 1. Find one occurrences of a pattern in a text ; 2. Find out all the occurrences of a pattern in a text.  Applications require two kinds of solution depending on which string, the pattern or the text, is given first. 1. Algorithms based on the use of automata or combinatorial properties of strings are commonly implemented to preprocess the pattern and solve the first kind of problem. 2. The notion of indexes realized by trees or automata is used in the second kind of solutions
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