xii Contributor contact details Seoul National University Aerospace Materials and San 56-1 Silim dong Manufacturing Gwanak-gu Kluyverweg 1 Seoul 151-744 2629HS,Delft Korea The Netherlands E-mail:woongryu@snu.ac.kr E-mail:j.sinke@tudelft.nl Chapter 6 Chapter 9 E.Schmachtenberg I.M.Ward*,P.J.Hine and Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg D.E.Riley Lehrstuhl fur Kunststofftechnik IRC in Polymer Science Am Weichselgarten 9 Technology 91058 Erlangen-Tennenlohe School of Physics and Astronomy Germany University of Leeds E-mail:Schmachtenberg@lkt.uni- Leeds LS2 9JT UK erlangen.de E-mail:I.M.Ward@leeds.ac.uk K.Skrodolies p.j.hine@leeds.ac.uk Institute of Plastics Processing at Derek.Riley@propexfabrics.com RWTH Aachen University PontstraBe 49 Chapter 10 52062 Aachen R.Paton Germany Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite Structures E-mail:zentrale@ikv.rwth-aachen.de Ltd 506 Lorimer St,Fishermens Bend Chapter 7 豆 Port Melbourne,3207 P M.R.Wisnom*and K.D.Potter Australia Professor of Aerospace Structures University of Bristol E-mail:r.paton@crc-acs.com.au Advanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Science Chapter 11 Queens Building 0.64 R.Brooks University Walk School of Mechanical Materials and Bristol BS8 1TR Manufacturing Engineering UK University of Nottingham E-mail:M.Wisnom@bristol.ac.uk University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD Chapter 8 UK J.Sinke E-mail: Faculty of Aerospace Engineering richard.brooks@nottingham.ac.uk Technical University DelftSeoul National University San 56-1 Silim dong Gwanak-gu Seoul 151-744 Korea E-mail: woongryu@snu.ac.kr Chapter 6 E. Schmachtenberg UniversitaÈt Erlangen-NuÈrnberg Lehrstuhl fuÈr Kunststofftechnik Am Weichselgarten 9 91058 Erlangen-Tennenlohe Germany E-mail: Schmachtenberg@lkt.uni￾erlangen.de K. Skrodolies Institute of Plastics Processing at RWTH Aachen University Pontstraûe 49 52062 Aachen Germany E-mail: zentrale@ikv.rwth-aachen.de Chapter 7 M. R. Wisnom* and K. D. Potter Professor of Aerospace Structures University of Bristol Advanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Science Queens Building 0.64 University Walk Bristol BS8 1TR UK E-mail: M.Wisnom@bristol.ac.uk Chapter 8 J. Sinke Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Technical University Delft Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing Kluyverweg 1 2629HS, Delft The Netherlands E-mail: j.sinke@tudelft.nl Chapter 9 I.M. Ward*, P.J. Hine and D.E. Riley IRC in Polymer Science & Technology School of Physics and Astronomy University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK E-mail: I.M.Ward@leeds.ac.uk p.j.hine@leeds.ac.uk Derek.Riley@propexfabrics.com Chapter 10 R. Paton Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite Structures Ltd 506 Lorimer St, Fishermens Bend Port Melbourne, 3207 Australia E-mail: r.paton@crc-acs.com.au Chapter 11 R. Brooks School of Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering University of Nottingham University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD UK E-mail: richard.brooks@nottingham.ac.uk xii Contributor contact details Copyrighted Material downloaded from Woodhead Publishing Online Delivered by http://woodhead.metapress.com Hong Kong Polytechnic University (714-57-975) Hong Kong Polytechnic University (714-57-975) Saturday, January 22, 2011 6:57:44 PM IP Address:
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