川停育房府香吾意多常寺的含》月 夏胃育育复夏育 言司器囂 N 222222 Table 2. The Relationship Between Social Identification and Depression Symptoms, as Reported in 14 Published Studies. No. Authors Year Journal N Population Social group ID measure Depression measure r 1 Cruwys, Haslam, Dingle, Jetten, Hornsey, Chong & Oei in press JAffectDisord 52 Disadvantaged community Recreational group 4 items Doosje, Ellemers, and Spears (1995) DASS-21 (21 items) −0.18* 2 92 Psychotherapy patients with depression or anxiety Therapy group 11 items Leach et al., (2008) ZSRDS (20 items) −0.33* 3 Wakefield, Bickley, and Sani 2013 JPsychSom 152 People with MS MS support group 4 items Doosje, et al. (1995) HADS (7 item) −0.31* 4 Sani, Herrera, Wakefield, Boroch, and Gulyas 2012 BJSP Study 1 194 Polish people Family 4 items Doosje et al. (1995) CES-D (20 items) −0.46* 5 Study 2 150 Eastern European Army Unit Army 14 item Leach et al. (2008) BDI-II (21 items) −0.18* 6 Sani, Magrin, Scrignaro, and McCollum 2010 BJSP 113 Adult Scottish community Family 5 items from various scales BDI-II (21 items) −0.32* 7 Bizumic, Reynolds, Turner, Bromhead, and Subasic 2009 APIR Study 1 113 Australian school staff School 4 items Haslam (2001) Mental Health Inventory (adapted) 5 items −0.29* 8 Study 2 693 Australian school students (12-17 years) School 4 items Haslam (2001) DASS-21 (7 items) −0.19* 9 Iyer, Jetten, Tsivrikos, Postmes, and Haslam 2009 BJSP Study 1 105 British students starting university University students 3 items Doosje et al. (1995) 9-item scale Branscombe, Schmitt, and Harvey (1999) −0.30* 10 Study 2 264 British students starting university University students 3 items Doosje et al. (1995) 6-item scale Branscombe et al. (1999) −0.40* 11 S. A. Haslam, O’Brien, Jetten, Vormedal, and Penna 2005 BJSP Study 1 34 Norwegian heart surgery patients Family and friends 2 items Doosje et al. (1995) 6-item negative emotion scale −0.12 12 Study 2 40 British workers (20 bomb disposal officers, 20 bar staff) Work colleagues 2 items Doosje et al. (1995) 4-item negative emotion scale −0.34* 13 Cameron 1999 GD: TRP 167 American university students Mt Allison University 3 factors (Cameron, 1999) BDI-II (21 items) −0.37* −0.11* −0.23* 14 Branscombe et al. 1999 JPSP 139 African Americans Ethnic group 14 item Multi-group Ethnic Identity Measure 6-item negative emotion scale −0.17* 15 Branscombe and Wann 1991 JSSI Study 1 187 American undergraduates Sports team Wann and Branscombe (1990) 1 frequency question −0.16* 16 Study 3 332 American undergraduates Sports team Wann and Branscombe (1990) 1 frequency question −0.10* Note. JAffectDisord = Journal of Affective Disorders; JPsychSom = Journal of Psychosomatic Research; MS = multiple sclerosis; APIR = Applied Psychology: An International Review; BJSP = British Journal of Social Psychology; JPSP = Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; GD: TRP = Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice; JSSI = Journal of Sport & Social Issues; HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; CES-D = Centre for Epidemiologic Studies – Depression; BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory 2nd Edition; DASS-21 = Depression, Anxiety Stress Scales (short form); ZSRDS = Zung Self Rated Depression Scale. *p < .05. Downloaded from psr.sagepub.com at Remen University of China on September 6, 2015
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