Synomyms, words that have the same basic meaning do not always have the same emotional meaning. For example, the words stingy" and frugal both mean'caerful with money". However, to call a person stingy is an insult, while the word frugal has a much more positive connotation Similarly, a person wants to be slender but not skinny, and aggressive but not pushy. Therefore, you should be careful in choosing words because any so-called synonyms are really not synonymous at all Practice 2 Alternative energy sources are becoming increasingly attractive as the energy crises becomes more severe. Solar heating systems, which use the suns radiation as a source of energy are a promising energy source. Nuclear power plants, are already in operation in several parts of the country. Govemment and private industry are even investigating the possibility of capturing the power of ocean waves and tides for conversion into usable energy. Coal is once again becoming an acceptable fuel as the nation searches for the solution to the energy shortage. Even garbage is bumt to heat buildings and light city street C. Developing sentences /description/examplification/effect-cause/cause-to-effect/comparison &contrast/classification/process Practice 1. Public behavour of sports figures is a poor example for our youth Q: Why do you say that? What is your evidence Name some examples to prove your points Method: Examplification 2. My city is actually composed of a group of distinct communities M 3. The music that my generation dances to is different from that of my parent M 4. The paper-making process is as the follows 5. There are two major differences between the European and American university systems 6. Raising houseplants involves nearly as much care and knowledge as raising children 7. An understanding of the types of drinks may prove2 Synomyms,words that have the same basic meaning do not always have the same emotional meaning.For example,the words “stingy” and “frugal”both mean”caerful with money”.However,to call a person stingy is an insult,while the word frugal has a much more positive connotation. Similarly, a person wants to be slender but not skinny, and aggressive but not pushy. Therefore, you should be careful in choosing words because any so- called synonyms are really not synonymous at all. Practice 2. Alternative energy sources are becoming increasingly attractive as the energy crises becomes more severe. Solar heating systems,which use the sun’s radiation as a source of energy ,are a promising energy source.Nuclear power plants, are already in operation in several parts of the country.Government and private industry are even investigating the possibility of capturing the power of ocean waves and tides for conversion into usable energy.Coal is once again becoming an acceptable fuel as the nation searches for the solution to the energy shortage. Even garbage is burnt to heat buildings and light city street._______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________ C. Developing sentences: /description/examplification/effect-cause/cause-to-effect/comparison &contrast /classification/process… Practice 1. Public behavour of sports figures is a poor example for our youth. Q: Why do you say that? What is your evidence Name some examples to prove your points. Method: Examplification 2.My city is actually composed of a group of distinct communities. Q: M: 3.The music that my generation dances to is different from that of my parent. M: 4.The paper-making process is as the follows: M: 5.There are two major differences between the European and American university systems. 6.Raising houseplants involves nearly as much care and knowledge as raising children 7.An understanding of the types of drinks may prove
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