Text and notes a Due to the exact and all-encompassing nature of these laws in predicting electromagnetic phenomena, along with the great body of analytical and experimental investigations performed since then we can consider the field of RF and microwave engineering a mature discipline at this time 由于麦克斯韦定律可准磅预测各种电磁现象,加之后续进 行的大星理论分折和实验研究工作,可以说身频微波工 程现在是一/7熟的学科 上海海学信息工程学院上海海事大学信息工程学院 Text and notes ◼ Due to the exact and all-encompassing nature of these laws in predicting electromagnetic phenomena, along with the great body of analytical and experimental investigations performed since then, we can consider the field of RF and microwave engineering a “mature discipline” at this time. ◼ 由于麦克斯韦定律可准确预测各种电磁现象,加之后续进 行的大量理论分析和实验研究工作,可以说射频/微波工 程现在是一门成熟的学科
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