Table 1.1 Table 1. State, local, and federal government expenditures (selected years) Total expenditures 200/ Dollars 200/ Dollars Percent (billions) (billions) per Capita of GDP 1929 10 118 9.9% 1940 237 1,794 18.8 1950 61 428 2,812 20.7 1960 591 3,272 22.7 1970 1,080 5,268 27.6 1980 81 1.557 6.839 1990 1,778 2,249 30.6 2000 2.776 2,842 10.061 28.3 2001 2,951 2,951 10.335 29.3 Conversion to 2001 dollars done using the GDP deflator. SOURCE: Calculations based on Economic Report of the President, 2003(Washington, DC: US Government Printing office.2003).pp.276.280.317,373Table 1.1