运用案例分析、规范分析、价值分析等分析方法,系统深入地讲授国际人权法的基本 理论和分析方法,结合中国人权发展的现实情况,启发学生获得分析和解决实际人权 事件和人权问题的思维和方法,使他们了解人权知识,体认人权精神,培养人权技能, 塑造人权态度和促成人权行动:了解人权法学的基本范畴、理论和历史运行规律,熟 练地掌握我国宪法及其他相关法律规定的人权内容,知晓宪法对于人权保障的未来发 展趋势及国际人权法的基本内容。通过本课程的教学,力求使学生达到: 1.掌握人权的基本概念、基本原理、研究对象、发展范畴和分析方法,在思维方 法上规范化: 2.能够运用人权法原理分析和解决现实生活中人权法问题,或者为社会中的现实 问题提供解决的思路和对策: 3.能够从理论和实践两方面促进未来我国人权事业的发展: 4.了解世界人权法变迁的成就、经验及未来发展的一般规律。 Based on the principles of human rights and typical cases of human rights protection at home and abroad,the course of human rights law tries to use case analysis,normative analysis,value analysis and other analytical methods to further comprehensively and deeply teach the basic theories and analytical methods of intemational human rights law,and inspire students to obtain and solve practical human rights events and human rights problems in combination with the reality of human rights development in China Thinking and methods enable them to understand human rights knowledge,recognize human rights spirit,cultivate human rights skills,shape human rights attitude and promote human rights action,understand the basic category,theory and historical operation law of human rights law,master the human rights content stipulated in China's constitution and other relevant laws,and understand the future development trend of the Constituion for human rights protection and the basic of international human rights law Content.Through the teaching of this course,students should strive to achieve: 1.Master the basic concepts,basic principles,research objects,development categories and analysis methods of human rights,and standardize the thinking methods. 2.Be able to use the principles of human rights law to analyze and solve the problems of human rights law in real life,or provide solutions and Countermeasures for the real problems in society: 3.Be able to promote the development of human rights cause in China in the future from both theoretical and practical aspects; 4.To understand the achievements.experiences and general laws of the future development of human rights law in the world.2 运用案例分析、规范分析、价值分析等分析方法,系统深入地讲授国际人权法的基本 理论和分析方法,结合中国人权发展的现实情况,启发学生获得分析和解决实际人权 事件和人权问题的思维和方法,使他们了解人权知识,体认人权精神,培养人权技能, 塑造人权态度和促成人权行动;了解人权法学的基本范畴、理论和历史运行规律,熟 练地掌握我国宪法及其他相关法律规定的人权内容,知晓宪法对于人权保障的未来发 展趋势及国际人权法的基本内容。通过本课程的教学,力求使学生达到: 1.掌握人权的基本概念、基本原理、研究对象、发展范畴和分析方法,在思维方 法上规范化; 2.能够运用人权法原理分析和解决现实生活中人权法问题,或者为社会中的现实 问题提供解决的思路和对策; 3.能够从理论和实践两方面促进未来我国人权事业的发展; 4.了解世界人权法变迁的成就、经验及未来发展的一般规律。 Based on the principles of human rights and typical cases of human rights protection at home and abroad, the course of human rights law tries to use case analysis, normative analysis, value analysis and other analytical methods to further comprehensively and deeply teach the basic theories and analytical methods of international human rights law, and inspire students to obtain and solve practical human rights events and human rights problems in combination with the reality of human rights development in China Thinking and methods enable them to understand human rights knowledge, recognize human rights spirit, cultivate human rights skills, shape human rights attitude and promote human rights action; understand the basic category, theory and historical operation law of human rights law, master the human rights content stipulated in China's constitution and other relevant laws, and understand the future development trend of the Constitution for human rights protection and the basic of international human rights law Content. Through the teaching of this course, students should strive to achieve: 1. Master the basic concepts, basic principles, research objects, development categories and analysis methods of human rights, and standardize the thinking methods; 2. Be able to use the principles of human rights law to analyze and solve the problems of human rights law in real life, or provide solutions and Countermeasures for the real problems in society; 3. Be able to promote the development of human rights cause in China in the future from both theoretical and practical aspects; 4. To understand the achievements, experiences and general laws of the future development of human rights law in the world
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