Submission For each problem, include your code(with identification of the exercise number being solved), as well as comments and explanations of your code, and demonstrate your code's functionality against a set of test cases. Once you have completed this project, your file should be submitted electronically on the 6.001 on-line tutor, using the submit Project Files button We encourage you to work with others on problem sets as long as you acknowledge it (see the 6.001 General Information handout) and so long as you observe the rules on collaboration and using "bibles". If you cooperated with other students, LA'S, or others, please indicate your consultants names and how they collaborated Be sure that your actions are consistent with the posted course policy on collaboration Remember that this is project 5; when you have completed all your work and saved it in a file, upload that file and submit it for Project 5Submission For each problem, include your code (with identification of the exercise number being solved), as well as comments and explanations of your code, and demonstrate your code's functionality against a set of test cases. Once you have completed this project, your file should be submitted electronically on the 6.001 on-line tutor, using the Submit Project Files button. We encourage you to work with others on problem sets as long as you acknowledge it (see the 6.001 General Information handout) and so long as you observe the rules on collaboration and using "bibles". If you cooperated with other students, LA's, or others, please indicate your consultants' names and how they collaborated. Be sure that your actions are consistent with the posted course policy on collaboration. Remember that this is Project 5; when you have completed all your work and saved it in a file, upload that file and submit it for Project 5
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