第7期 张静等:精炼渣成分对高强度低合金钢中非金属夹杂物影响 ·833 Ca0-Mg0-AL,03-Si02伪三元相图中1400~ Meeting.Beijing,2008:14 1500℃的低熔点区,随着渣中A山,03含量的增加, (王新华.适用于中厚板类钢种的合理炉外精炼工艺探讨// 炼钢-连铸生产技术会议文集.北京,2008:14) 夹杂物的分布逐渐趋于集中,夹杂物的总数量呈增 [5]Wang J.Research on nonmetallic Inclusions in X80 Pipeline Steel 加趋势.当渣中A山203质量分数为21.22%时,大量 During Furnace Refining Process [Dissertation].Beijing:Universi- 夹杂物分布在1600℃以上的高熔点区域,且夹杂物 ty of Science and Technology Beijing,2010 的总数量最少. (王建.X80管线钢炉外精炼过程非金属夹杂物的研究[学位 (4)综合脱硫和夹杂物控制两方面考虑,渣系4 论文].北京:北京科技大学,2010) 6] 即炉渣w(Ca0)/c(Si02)为3.27、A,03质量分数 Chen B.Jing M,Bao ,et al.Influence of slag composition on steel cleanliness.Iron Steel,2008,43(8):35 为21.22%的效果最好. (陈斌,姜敏,包萨日娜,等.渣组成对钢水洁净度的影响.钢 铁,2008,43(8):35) 参考文献 [7] Yoon B H,Heo K H,Kim J S,et al.Improvement of steel cleanli- [Takahashi A.Ogawa H.Influence of microhardness and inclusion ness by controlling slag composition.fronmaking Steelmaking, on stress oriented hydrogen induced cracking of line pipe steels. 2002,29(3):215 1SU1nt,1996,36(3):334 [8]Tang S G.Influence of composition of refining slag in LF-VD Cameiro R A,Ratnapuli R C,de Freitas Cunha Lins V.The influ- process on metallurgical effects.Steelmaking,2001,17 (4):29 ence of chemical composition and microstructure of API linepipe (汤曙光.LF一VD精炼渣组成对治金效果的影响.炼钢, steels on hydrogen induced cracking and sulfide stress corrosion 2001,17(4):29) cracking.Mater Sci Eng A,2003,357(1/2)104 ]Park J H.Jung I H.Lee H G.Dissolution behavior of Al2O;and B3]Zhang C J,Cai KK,Yuan W X.Study on sulfide inclusions and Mgo inclusions in the Ca0Al203-8i0 slags:formation of ring- effect of calcium treatment for pipeline steel.fron Steel,2006,41 like structure of MgAl2 O and Ca2 SiO around Mgo inclusions. (8):31 1SJt,2006,46(11):1626 (张彩军,蔡开科,袁伟霞.管线钢硫化物夹杂及钙处理效果 [10]Jiang G C.Clean Steel and Secondary Refining.Shanghai:Shang- 研究.钢铁,2006,41(8):31) hai Science and Technology Press,1994 4]Wang X H.Discussion on proper refining process for plate//Pro- (蒋国昌.纯净钢及二次精炼.上海:上海科学技术出版社, ceedings of National Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Technology 1994)第 7 期 张 静等: 精炼渣成分对高强度低合金钢中非金属夹杂物影响 CaO--MgO-- Al2O3 -- SiO2 伪 三 元 相 图 中 1 400 ~ 1 500 ℃的低熔点区,随着渣中 Al2O3 含量的增加, 夹杂物的分布逐渐趋于集中,夹杂物的总数量呈增 加趋势. 当渣中 Al2O3 质量分数为 21. 22% 时,大量 夹杂物分布在 1 600 ℃以上的高熔点区域,且夹杂物 的总数量最少. ( 4) 综合脱硫和夹杂物控制两方面考虑,渣系 4 即炉渣 w( CaO) /w( SiO2 ) 为 3. 27、Al2O3 质量分数 为 21. 22% 的效果最好. 参 考 文 献 [1] Takahashi A,Ogawa H. Influence of microhardness and inclusion on stress oriented hydrogen induced cracking of line pipe steels. ISIJ Int,1996,36( 3) : 334 [2] Carneiro R A,Ratnapuli R C,de Freitas Cunha Lins V. The influ￾ence of chemical composition and microstructure of API linepipe steels on hydrogen induced cracking and sulfide stress corrosion cracking. Mater Sci Eng A,2003,357( 1 /2) : 104 [3] Zhang C J,Cai K K,Yuan W X. Study on sulfide inclusions and effect of calcium treatment for pipeline steel. Iron Steel,2006,41 ( 8) : 31 ( 张彩军,蔡开科,袁伟霞. 管线钢硫化物夹杂及钙处理效果 研究. 钢铁,2006,41( 8) : 31) [4] Wang X H. Discussion on proper refining process for plate / / Pro￾ceedings of National Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Technology Meeting. Beijing,2008: 14 ( 王新华. 适用于中厚板类钢种的合理炉外精炼工艺探讨/ / 炼钢--连铸生产技术会议文集. 北京,2008: 14) [5] Wang J. Research on nonmetallic Inclusions in X80 Pipeline Steel During Furnace Refining Process[Dissertation]. Beijing: Universi￾ty of Science and Technology Beijing,2010 ( 王建. X80 管线钢炉外精炼过程非金属夹杂物的研究[学位 论文]. 北京: 北京科技大学,2010) [6] Chen B,Jing M,Bao S,et al. Influence of slag composition on steel cleanliness. Iron Steel,2008,43( 8) : 35 ( 陈斌,姜敏,包萨日娜,等. 渣组成对钢水洁净度的影响. 钢 铁,2008,43( 8) : 35) [7] Yoon B H,Heo K H,Kim J S,et al. Improvement of steel cleanli￾ness by controlling slag composition. Ironmaking Steelmaking, 2002,29( 3) : 215 [8] Tang S G. Influence of composition of refining slag in LF-VD process on metallurgical effects. Steelmaking,2001,17( 4) : 29 ( 汤曙 光. LF--VD 精炼渣组成对冶金效果的影响. 炼 钢, 2001,17( 4) : 29) [9] Park J H,Jung I H,Lee H G. Dissolution behavior of Al2O3 and MgO inclusions in the CaO-Al2O3 -SiO2 slags: formation of ring￾like structure of MgAl2O4 and Ca2 SiO4 around MgO inclusions. ISIJ Int,2006,46( 11) : 1626 [10] Jiang G C. Clean Steel and Secondary Refining. Shanghai: Shang￾hai Science and Technology Press,1994 ( 蒋国昌. 纯净钢及二次精炼. 上海: 上海科学技术出版社, 1994) ·833·
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