2.4 Understand the application of pharmacokinetics in clinical pharmacy and new drug research and development,master the design of drug administration regimen,the detection of therapeutic drugs and the individualized design of drug administration regimen.Familiar with the research contents of new drugspharmacokinetics,the basic requirements of bioavailability,research methods and evaluation methods of bioequivalence. (三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系 表1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表 程 对应 目 课程子目标 对应课程内容 毕业 标 要求 1 Introduction to biopharmaceutics and 具备 pharmacokinetics. 药动 2 Mathematical fundamentals in 学基 课 1.1 Master the definition of pharmacokinetics,research contents and basic pharmacokinetic parameters,grasp pharmacokinetics. 础理 the calculation methods of pharmacokinetic parameters for different administration routes of one- 4 One compartment open model: 论、 目 compartment model.Understand the blood drug concentration-time curve and estimation of 标 pharmacokineticparameters of multi-compartment model,familiar with to identify compartment model. Intravenous bolus administration. 基本 Master the basic concepts related to multi-dose administration,drug accumulation and blood concentration 5 Multi-compartment models: 知 Intravenous bolus administration fluctuation. 6 Intravenous infusion 基本 8.Pharmacokinetics of oral 技 absorption 能。 9.Multiple-dosage regimens2.4 Understand the application of pharmacokinetics in clinical pharmacy and new drug research and development, master the design of drug administration regimen, the detection of therapeutic drugs and the individualized design of drug administration regimen. Familiar with the research contents of new drugspharmacokinetics, the basic requirements of bioavailability, research methods and evaluation methods of bioequivalence. (三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系 表 1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表 课 程 目 标 课程子目标 对应课程内容 对应 毕业 要求 课 程 目 标 1 1.1 Master the definition of pharmacokinetics,research contents and basic pharmacokinetic parameters, grasp the calculation methods of pharmacokinetic parameters for different administration routes of one￾compartment model. Understand the blood drug concentration-time curve and estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters of multi-compartment model, familiar with to identify compartment model. Master the basic concepts related to multi-dose administration, drug accumulation and blood concentration fluctuation. 1 Introduction to biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics. 2 Mathematical fundamentals in pharmacokinetics. 4 One compartment open model: Intravenous bolus administration. 5 Multi-compartment models: Intravenous bolus administration 6 Intravenous infusion 8. Pharmacokinetics of oral absorption 9. Multiple-dosage regimens 具备 药动 学基 础理 论、 基本 知 识、 基本 技 能
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