The Protozoa TABLE 12.1 Major Differences Among Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Fungi,Algae,Protozoa,and Helminths Fungi Algae Protozoa Helminths Kingdom Fungi Protist Protist Animalia Nutritional type Chemoheterotroph Photoautotroph Chemoheterotroph Chemoheterotroph Multicellularity All,except yeasts Some None All Cellular arrangement Unicellular,filamen- Unicellular,colonial, Unicellular Tissues and organs tous,fleshy (such filamentous; as mushrooms) tissues Food acquisition Absorptive Absorptive Absorptive;ingestive Ingestive (mouth); method (cytostome) absorptive Characteristic Sexual and asexual Pigments Motility;some Many have elaborate features spores form cysts life cycles,includ. ing egg,larva, and adult Embryo formation None None None All Table 12.1The Protozoa Table 12.1
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