“三三秀水清如玉,六六奇峰翠插天”the crystal: clear waters of the Nine-Twist Stream and the thirty-six green soaring peaks along its banks 竹筏bamboo raft 九曲溪the Nine-Twist Stream 武夷宫the Wuyi Palace 武夷精舍the Wuyi Pavilion 船棺ancient Boat Coffins 玉女峰the Jade Fairy Peak 大王峰the Crown Peak 天游峰he Heavenly Tour Peak 水帘洞the Water Curtain Cave;“三三秀水清如玉,六六奇峰翠插天” the crystal￾clear waters of the Nine-Twist Stream and the thirty-six green soaring peaks along its banks 竹筏bamboo raft 九曲溪the Nine-Twist Stream 武夷宫the Wuyi Palace 武夷精舍the Wuyi Pavilion 船棺ancient Boat Coffins 玉女峰the Jade Fairy Peak 大王峰the Crown Peak 天游峰the Heavenly Tour Peak 水帘洞the Water Curtain Cave;
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