Evaporation 479 DISTILLATE, mp FEED, mF EVAPORATOR CONCENTRATE fc Feed Concentrate Distillate (1-f)mF 1)fFmE fF Tota boundary conditions: 0.0< mF 0.0<fc≤10 Figure 1. Model and material balance for evaporators. (uwa Corporation) Usually, a process flow sheet is given which includes much design information for the complete process. This basic resource document is the key reference for the overall material balance for the process, and cludes mass flow rates and complete chemical compositions for every stream in the process network. Other data usually included in the proces flow sheet are: temperature and pressure for every process stream, important physical and thermodynamic properties for each stream, identification numbers andabbreviations for each equipment component, and identificati and information for every addition and removal of energy or work for the process A standard"Heat Exchanger Specification Sheet "is used to specify the evaporatorin sufficient detail so that prospective vendors may understand the application and develop a firm quotation. The Tubular Exchanger Manufac- turers Association(TEmA) has developed the specification sheet shown Fig. 2, which is widely used by engineering and design firms and by heat exchanger and evaporator fabricators. 31Evaporation 479 , DISTILLATE,mD . Water Solids Total FEED, “F EVAPORATOR I CONCENTRATE, mC. (fc 1 Feed Concentrate Distillate Boundary conditions: 0.0 < mF 0.0<fc<1.0 Figure 1. Model and material balance for evaporators. (zuwa Corporation) Usually, a process flow sheet is given which includes much important design information for the complete process. This basic resource document is the key reference for the overall material balance for the process, and includes mass flow rates and complete chemical compositions for every stream in the process network. Other data usually included in the process flow sheet are: temperature and pressure for every process stream, important physical and thermodynamic properties for each stream, identification numbers and abbreviations for each equipment component, and identification and information for every addition and removal of energy or work for the process. A standard “Heat Exchanger Specification Sheet” is used to specify the evaporator in sufficient detail so that prospective vendors may understand the application and develop a firm quotation. The Tubular Exchanger Manufac￾turers Association (TEMA) has developed the specification sheet shown in Fig. 2, which is widely used by engineering and design firms and by heat exchanger and evaporator fabricator^.[^]
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