工程科学学报,第37卷,第3期:275-280,2015年3月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.37,No.3:275-280,March 2015 DOI:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2015.03.002:http://journals.ustb.edu.cn 基于核磁共振成像技术的堆浸细观渗流速度场特性 尹升华,薛振林四,吴爱祥,刘超,李红 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京100083 ☒通信作者,E-mail:xue_zhenlin@126.com 摘要采用核磁共振成像技术对柱浸渗流过程进行非接触、无损探测,得到溶液静止和流动时的核磁共振图像.通过对速 度值分布的分析,评价了速度场均匀性,得到了均匀性指数与喷淋强度的关系,进而研究了细观渗流速度场分布特性和孔隙 内速度场演化规律.研究表明:流速分布具有明显的不均匀性,流速值与孔隙大小并不严格一致:不同喷淋强度下速度值分 布趋势相似,最大流速与喷淋强度正相关:通过分析速度场均匀性与喷淋强度间关系可得到喷淋强度阙值,实验中0.7L· cm2h为此粒级级配的喷淋强度阈值。现场应用动态喷淋强度可明显改善堆场的渗透性,提高铜的浸出率。 关键词渗流:流速:堆浸:核磁共振成像:铜 分类号TD952 Mesoscopic seepage velocity characteristics during heap leaching based on magnetic resonance imaging YIN Sheng-hua,XUE Zhen-lin,WU Ai-xiang,LIU Chao,LI Hong School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China Corresponding author,E-mail:xue_zhenlin@126.com ABSTRACT Column leaching seepage processes were detected in a non-contact and non-destructive way by magnetic resonance ima- ging.Column leaching images were obtained when the flow was stationary and running.Mesoscopic seepage velocity field distribution characteristics and velocity field evolution rules inside pores were studied by analyzing the velocity value distribution,flow velocity dis- tribution uniformity,and relationship between evenness index and spray intensity.The research shows that the velocity distribution has obvious inhomogeneity,and the flow velocity value is not in accordance with the pore size strictly.The flow velocity distribution is sim- ilar for different spray intensities.There is a positive correlation between the maximum velocity and spray intensity.A spray intensity threshold can be obtained by analyzing the relationship between velocity field uniformity and spray intensity.The value of 0.7 L.cm2.h is the intensity threshold of the designated graded distribution.Field applications of dynamic spray intensity can obvious- ly improve the permeability of dumps and the leaching rate of copper. KEY WORDS seepage:flow velocity:heap leaching:magnetic resonance imaging:copper 堆浸过程中溶液渗流对浸出过程有着非常重要的 堆微细观孔隙结构和孔隙率的变化,从而导致渗透性 作用,浸出剂到达目标矿物、浸出体系温度的调节、反 能的变化风:另一方面,溶液渗流的变化,导致堆内溶 应产物的输送等过程均由溶液渗流来完成,因此溶液 液分布不均(如矿堆表面径流、优先液流和沟流),从 渗流过程是关系到浸出工艺成功与否的关键过程四, 而影响矿堆中目标矿物的浸出率网.研究堆浸散体介 溶液在矿堆中的渗流,伴随矿堆压实、矿物溶解、沉淀、 质中溶液的渗流速度场分布以及速度演化规律,有助 细颗粒运移等现象发生.一方面,这些过程会导致矿 于进一步了解溶浸液在堆中的渗流规律,对于指导筑 收稿日期:2013-1206 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51374035):新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-130669)工程科学学报,第 37 卷,第 3 期: 275--280,2015 年 3 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 37,No. 3: 275--280,March 2015 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2015. 03. 002; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn 基于核磁共振成像技术的堆浸细观渗流速度场特性 尹升华,薛振林,吴爱祥,刘 超,李 红 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京 100083  通信作者,E-mail: xue_zhenlin@ 126. com 摘 要 采用核磁共振成像技术对柱浸渗流过程进行非接触、无损探测,得到溶液静止和流动时的核磁共振图像. 通过对速 度值分布的分析,评价了速度场均匀性,得到了均匀性指数与喷淋强度的关系,进而研究了细观渗流速度场分布特性和孔隙 内速度场演化规律. 研究表明: 流速分布具有明显的不均匀性,流速值与孔隙大小并不严格一致; 不同喷淋强度下速度值分 布趋势相似,最大流速与喷淋强度正相关; 通过分析速度场均匀性与喷淋强度间关系可得到喷淋强度阈值,实验中 0. 7 L· cm - 2·h - 1为此粒级级配的喷淋强度阈值. 现场应用动态喷淋强度可明显改善堆场的渗透性,提高铜的浸出率. 关键词 渗流; 流速; 堆浸; 核磁共振成像; 铜 分类号 TD952 Mesoscopic seepage velocity characteristics during heap leaching based on magnetic resonance imaging YIN Sheng-hua,XUE Zhen-lin ,WU Ai-xiang,LIU Chao,LI Hong School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China  Corresponding author,E-mail: xue_zhenlin@ 126. com ABSTRACT Column leaching seepage processes were detected in a non-contact and non-destructive way by magnetic resonance ima￾ging. Column leaching images were obtained when the flow was stationary and running. Mesoscopic seepage velocity field distribution characteristics and velocity field evolution rules inside pores were studied by analyzing the velocity value distribution,flow velocity dis￾tribution uniformity,and relationship between evenness index and spray intensity. The research shows that the velocity distribution has obvious inhomogeneity,and the flow velocity value is not in accordance with the pore size strictly. The flow velocity distribution is sim￾ilar for different spray intensities. There is a positive correlation between the maximum velocity and spray intensity. A spray intensity threshold can be obtained by analyzing the relationship between velocity field uniformity and spray intensity. The value of 0. 7 L·cm - 2·h - 1 is the intensity threshold of the designated graded distribution. Field applications of dynamic spray intensity can obvious￾ly improve the permeability of dumps and the leaching rate of copper. KEY WORDS seepage; flow velocity; heap leaching; magnetic resonance imaging; copper 收稿日期: 2013--12--06 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 51374035) ; 新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目( NCET--13--0669) 堆浸过程中溶液渗流对浸出过程有着非常重要的 作用,浸出剂到达目标矿物、浸出体系温度的调节、反 应产物的输送等过程均由溶液渗流来完成,因此溶液 渗流过程是关系到浸出工艺成功与否的关键过程[1]. 溶液在矿堆中的渗流,伴随矿堆压实、矿物溶解、沉淀、 细颗粒运移等现象发生. 一方面,这些过程会导致矿 堆微细观孔隙结构和孔隙率的变化,从而导致渗透性 能的变化[2]; 另一方面,溶液渗流的变化,导致堆内溶 液分布不均( 如矿堆表面径流、优先液流和沟流) ,从 而影响矿堆中目标矿物的浸出率[3]. 研究堆浸散体介 质中溶液的渗流速度场分布以及速度演化规律,有助 于进一步了解溶浸液在堆中的渗流规律,对于指导筑
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