Outlines requirements and time allocation information. d by tumor. PETC-Solita Pumy Nodule apy 6yearold male with solitary left lung nodule.PET/CTordered for evaluation. yth lehlar ymph nod compatible with metastatic PETCI-Metae Non-Small Ce Cancer 57 year old male with widely metastatic non small cell lung cancer.PET/CT e hilateral adrenal masses with markedly ing d enG activit These masses demons strate hypometabolism in thei central aspects compa tible with central necrosis.Metastatic hilar and mediastinal compatible with metastatic disease Picture Archiving and Communication System-What is PACS? 15 Picture Archiving and Commun ns Sys sm.mre comm as PACS,enable dorand tr pronthe infoionmrth ton 00 vears film has been ium fo P pcecuremlye effici ●n medical ima are computers,commonly servers,dedicated to the and presentation of images.The medical The most common fommat for image storage is DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communi ations in Medicine) smitted digitally via PACS.the nee 5 Outlines, requirements and time allocation ⚫ Both PET and CT scanning are performed with the patient lying in the same position on the imaging table resulting in optimal correlation of anatomic and metabolic information. ⚫ For interpretation, the PET data is actually superimposed upon the CT data (co-registration) resulting in improved anatomic localization of normal and abnormal FDG activity. This fusion process has proven beneficial in more exactly localizing tissues involved by tumor. ⚫ Better co-registration is especially significant in regions of complex anatomy, such as in the abdomen and in the head and neck. More exact localization of the involved tissues results in more accurate staging and more appropriate treatment planning including surgical therapy, radiotherapy, and medical therapy. PET/CT-Solitary Pulmonary Nodule ⚫ 86 year old male with solitary left lung nodule. PET/CT ordered for evaluation. ⚫ There is increased FDG activity in a pulmonary parenchymal mass in the left upper lobe compatible with a primary lung malignancy. There is also increased activity within a large left hilar lymph node compatible with metastatic lymphadenopathy. PET/CT-Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer ⚫ 57 year old male with widely metastatic non small cell lung cancer. PET/CT ordered for restaging. ⚫ There are large bilateral adrenal masses with markedly increased FDG activity consistent with metastases. These masses demonstrate hypometabolism in their central aspects compatible with central necrosis. Metastatic hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy can also be seen in the coronal image. ⚫ In addition, there is increased FDG activity within multiple vertebrae compatible with metastatic disease Picture Archiving and Communication System - What is PACS? Picture Archiving and Communications System, more commonly known as PACS, enables images such as x-rays and scans to be stored electronically and viewed on screens, so that doctors and other health professionals can access the information and compare it with previous images at the touch of a button. ⚫ For the past 100 years, film has been almost the exclusive medium for capturing, storing, and displaying radiographic images. Film is a fixed medium with usually only one set of images available. ⚫ PACS technology allows for a near filmless process, with all of the flexibility of digital systems. It also removes all the costs associated with hard film and releases valuable space currently used for storage. PACS ⚫ Most importantly, however, PACS has the potential to transform patients' experience of the care they receive across the NHS. ⚫ PACS supports clinicians in performing their roles and contributes to a more efficient and advanced twenty-first century health service. ⚫ In medical imaging, PACS are computers, commonly servers, dedicated to the storage, retrieval, distribution and presentation of images. The medical images are stored in an independent format. ⚫ The most common format for image storage is DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine). Electronic images and reports are transmitted digitally via PACS; this eliminates the need to manually file, retrieve or transport film 15’
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