刘璐等:高硅钢近柱状晶初始组织的形变、再结晶行为及磁性能 ·927· 导的强{120}〈001)或{100(021〉织构样品,但高于 [6]Cheng L,Zhang N,Yang P,et al.Retaining {100}texture from 无取向高硅钢,且轧向和横向磁感应强度值差异小,所 initial columnar grains in electrical steels.Scripta Mater,2012, 67(11):899 以柱状晶组织有利于应用于无取向高硅钢. Cheng L,Yang P,Fang Y P,et al.Preparation of non-oriented silicon steel with high magnetic induction using columnar grains. 参考文献 Magn Magn Mater,2012,324 (23)4068 [Liu JL,Sha Y H,Zhang F,et al.Development of (210 (001) [8]Fu H D,Zhang Z H,Jiang Y B,et al.Improvement of magnetic recrystallization texture in Fe-6.5 wt.%Si thin sheets.Scripta properties of an Fe-6.5wt%Si alloy by directional solidification. Mater,2011,65(4):292 Mater Lett,2011,65(9):1416 Fang X S,Liang Y F,Ye F,et al.Cold rolled Fe-6.5 wt%Si [9]Stojakovic D,Doherty R D,Kalidindi S R,et al.Thermomechan- alloy foils with high magnetic induction.J Appl Phys,2012,111 ical processing for recovery of desired (001)fiber texture in elec- (4):094913 tric motor steels.Metall Mater Trans A,2008,39 (7):1738 B]Liu H T,Liu Z Y,Qiu Y Q,et al.Microstructure,texture and [10]Liu J L,Sha Y H,Zhang F,et al.Evolution of reerystallization magnetic properties of strip casting Fe-6.2 wt%Si steel sheet.J texture in high silicon steel shin sheets during annealing.J Funct Mater Process Technol,2012,212(9):1941 Mater,2011,42(11):2089 4]Liu J L,Sha Y H,Zhang F,et al.Development of strong (001) (柳金龙,沙玉辉,张芳,等.高硅钢薄板退火过程中的织构 (210)texture and magnetic properties in Fe-6.5wt%Si thin sheet 演变.功能材料,2011,42(11):2089) produced by rolling method.J Appl Phys,2011,109 (7) [11]Wang W Q,Mao W M,Yang P,et al.Evolution of microstruc- 07A326 ture and textures in cold rolled Fe-6.5%Si alloy thin sheet dur- [5]Liu H T,Liu Z Y,Sun Y,et al.Development of A-fiber recrys- ing annealing.Trans Mater Heat Treat,2013,34(4):111 tallization texture and magnetic property in Fe-6.5 wt%Si thin (王文强,毛卫民,杨平,等.退火过程中Fe6.5%Si冷轧 sheet produced by strip casting and warm rolling method.Mater 薄板组织及织构的演变.材料热处理学报,2013,34(4): Let,2013,91:150 111)刘 璐等: 高硅钢近柱状晶初始组织的形变、再结晶行为及磁性能 导的强{ 120} 〈001〉或{ 100} 〈021〉织构样品,但高于 无取向高硅钢,且轧向和横向磁感应强度值差异小,所 以柱状晶组织有利于应用于无取向高硅钢. 参 考 文 献 [1] Liu J L,Sha Y H,Zhang F,et al. Development of { 210} 〈001〉 recrystallization texture in Fe--6. 5 wt. % Si thin sheets. Scripta Mater,2011,65( 4) : 292 [2] Fang X S,Liang Y F,Ye F,et al. Cold rolled Fe--6. 5 wt% Si alloy foils with high magnetic induction. J Appl Phys,2012,111 ( 4) : 094913 [3] Liu H T,Liu Z Y,Qiu Y Q,et al. Microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of strip casting Fe--6. 2 wt% Si steel sheet. J Mater Process Technol,2012,212( 9) : 1941 [4] Liu J L,Sha Y H,Zhang F,et al. Development of strong { 001} 〈210〉texture and magnetic properties in Fe--6. 5wt% Si thin sheet produced by rolling method. J Appl Phys,2011,109 ( 7 ) : 07A326 [5] Liu H T,Liu Z Y,Sun Y,et al. Development of λ-fiber recrys￾tallization texture and magnetic property in Fe--6. 5 wt% Si thin sheet produced by strip casting and warm rolling method. Mater Lett,2013,91: 150 [6] Cheng L,Zhang N,Yang P,et al. Retaining { 100} texture from initial columnar grains in electrical steels. Scripta Mater,2012, 67( 11) : 899 [7] Cheng L,Yang P,Fang Y P,et al. Preparation of non - oriented silicon steel with high magnetic induction using columnar grains. J Magn Magn Mater,2012,324( 23) : 4068 [8] Fu H D,Zhang Z H,Jiang Y B,et al. Improvement of magnetic properties of an Fe--6. 5wt% Si alloy by directional solidification. Mater Lett,2011,65( 9) : 1416 [9] Stojakovic D,Doherty R D,Kalidindi S R,et al. Thermomechan￾ical processing for recovery of desired〈001〉fiber texture in elec￾tric motor steels. Metall Mater Trans A,2008,39( 7) : 1738 [10] Liu J L,Sha Y H,Zhang F,et al. Evolution of recrystallization texture in high silicon steel shin sheets during annealing. J Funct Mater,2011,42( 11) : 2089 ( 柳金龙,沙玉辉,张芳,等. 高硅钢薄板退火过程中的织构 演变. 功能材料,2011,42( 11) : 2089) [11] Wang W Q,Mao W M,Yang P,et al. Evolution of microstruc￾ture and textures in cold rolled Fe--6. 5% Si alloy thin sheet dur￾ing annealing. Trans Mater Heat Treat,2013,34( 4) : 111 ( 王文强,毛卫民,杨平,等. 退火过程中 Fe--6. 5% Si 冷轧 薄板组织及织构的演变. 材料热处理学报,2013,34 ( 4) : 111) · 729 ·
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