Model plant Ambidopsis a small plant in the mustard family (),has become the organism of Scientists worldwide are studying this simple weed to understand every aspect of plant structure and function and apply this knowledge to agriculture,human health,cnergy utilization and the environment of its short life cydeand good genetics,emerged in recent yearsas a modd cultryote for genomics rescarch. The Multinational Arbidopsis Genome Research Project was stablished in 1990 to facilitate gene identification and genome fac transform the way biologists conduct rescarc on plants enhance our understanding of biological diversity and expand our appreciation of the relevance ofplant scence in the modern 2000年12月美、英等国科学家宣布绘出拟 南芥基因组的完整图谱,这是人类首次全部破译 出一种植物的基图序列。 2000 年 12 月美、英等国科学家宣布绘出拟 南芥基因组的完整图谱,这是人类首次全部破译 出一种植物的基因序列