Materials and Transport After basic human needs for food,shelter and clothing have been met the ability to travel comes high in the list of priorities for most people. An increasing demand for personal transportation to and from work and play,together with the need to move goods around the world from producers to consumers has resulted in significant emphasis being given to transport. Reductions in pollution and lower energy and raw material usage are important issues.Materials can drive developments that meet the aspirations for an improved quality of life.After basic human needs for food, shelter and clothing have been met the ability to travel comes high in the list of priorities for most people. An increasing demand for personal transportation to and from work and play, together with the need to move goods around the world from producers to consumers has resulted in significant emphasis being given to transport. Reductions in pollution and lower energy and raw material usage are important issues. Materials can drive developments that meet the aspirations for an improved quality of life. Materials and Transport