三☐a{血a6)+lns,)+lha.(s-ma{血a.(s)+lns,s)+na(sy 4)++4)++() (4.40) which can be implemented by executing add-compare-select-subtract(ACSS)process. From the discussion above,it can be shown that the Max-Log-MAP algorithm is equivalent to the bidirectional Viterbi algorithm (VA). Log-MAP Decoding Algorithm The error performance of Max-Log-MAP is very closed to that of MAP algorithm.But it produces soft-output values inferior to that of the MAP algorithm,resulting in the degraded 4.3.7Trbo码的迭代译码性能 根据上述MAP译码算法,我们对1/2码率的l6状态tubo码进行了计算机仿真, 其结果如图4.16、图4.17所示。仿真所用交织器大小分别为420、1024、4096、16000 比特,两个分量码相同,生成多项式均为G=(37,21)8。另外,图4.18中给出了采用 Max-Log-MAP算法(即SOVA算法)时的tubo码的性能曲线,从中我们可以看出标准 MAP算法与其简化算法之间的性能差异。 00 15 2.5 Eb/NO(dB) 图4.I6使用BCR算法时turbo码在AWGN信道上的性能 (交织器的长度-420比特) 4324-32 1   0   1 0 1 1 ( ', ) ( ', ) max ln ( ') ln ( ', ) ln ( ) max ln ( ') ln ( ', ) ln ( ) k k kk k kk k ss B ss B     s ss s s ss s              1   0   1 0 1 1 ( ', ) ( ', ) max ( ') ( ', ) ( ) max ( ') ( ', ) ( ) k k kk k kk k ss B ss B A s ss Bs A s ss Bs           (4.40) which can be implemented by executing add-compare-select-subtract (ACSS) process. From the discussion above, it can be shown that the Max-Log-MAP algorithm is equivalent to the bidirectional Viterbi algorithm (VA). Log-MAP Decoding Algorithm The error performance of Max-Log-MAP is very closed to that of MAP algorithm. But it produces soft-output values inferior to that of the MAP algorithm, resulting in the degraded performance. To overcome this problem, the Max-Log approximation can be corrected by adding a term called correction function, as shown in (4.36) and (4.38). 4.3.7 Turbo 码的迭代译码性能 根据上述 MAP 译码算法,我们对 1/2 码率的 16 状态 turbo 码进行了计算机仿真, 其结果如图 4.16、图 4.17 所示。仿真所用交织器大小分别为 420、1024、4096、16000 比特,两个分量码相同,生成多项式均为 G=(37,21)8。另外,图 4.18 中给出了采用 Max-Log-MAP 算法(即 SOVA 算法)时的 turbo 码的性能曲线,从中我们可以看出标准 MAP 算法与其简化算法之间的性能差异。 图 4.16 使用 BCJR 算法时 turbo 码在 AWGN 信道上的性能 (交织器的长度=420 比特) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 Eb/N0 (dB) BER 1 iteration, N=420 2 iterations, N=420 4 iterations, N=420 6 iterations, N=420
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