物理学 5-6静电场的环路症理电势能 第五版 a oE. d/ B B 令:Em=0= oE. dZ 试验电荷在电场中某点的电势能,在数值上就等于 把它从该点移到电势能零点处静电场力所作的功 The electric potential energy of test charge at a point in electric field is in value equal to the work by electrostatic force that transfers it from that point to the zero point of electric potential energy 电势能的大小是相对的,电势能的差是绝对的 The size of the electric potential energy is relative, The difference of electric potential energy is absolute. 第五章静电场 5/6第五章 静电场 物理学 第五版 5-6 静电场的环路定理 电势能 5/6 电势能的大小是相对的,电势能的差是绝对的. p 0 令:E B = "0" p 0 A d A E q E l =   试验电荷在电场中某点的电势能,在数值上就等于 把它从该点移到电势能零点处静电场力所作的功. p p 0 d B A B A E E q E l − =   The electric potential energy of test charge at a point in electric field is in value equal to the work by electrostatic force that transfers it from that point to the zero point of electric potential energy The size of the electric potential energy is relative, The difference of electric potential energy is absolute
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